A. 体位摆放是由巡回护士和器械护士共同完成的
B. 体位摆放时,动作要轻柔,避免拖、拉、拽等动作
C. 充分暴露手术野,避免不必要的裸露,注意隐私的保护以及保暖
D. 安置后的体位要不影响呼吸循环功能,不影响麻醉医师观察和监测
E. 垂头仰卧位:双肩下垫一软枕,抬高肩部30度
In the 19th century, British people had more time off than in previous times but ____________________.
A. they wanted to play sports
B. they didn't want to do anything useful
C. it was important to do something useful and feel fulfilled
D. they enjoyed very complicated leisure activities
Leisure inactivities usually involve _______________.
A. very little contact with other people or physical activity
B. watching sport on TV
C. taking a day off work and staying at home
D. excessive amounts of time in front of a computer