
《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》(GB 18597—2001)中规定,有关危险废物堆放的说法正确的是()。A.基础必《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》(GB 18597—2001)中规定,有关危险废物堆放的说法正确的是()。

A. 基础必须防渗,防渗层为至少1m厚黏土层(渗透系数≤10-7cm/s),或2m厚高密度聚乙烯,或至少2m厚其他人工材料,渗透系数≤10-10cm/s
B. 堆放危险废物的高度应根据地面承载能力确定
C. 衬里放在一个基础或底座上
D. 总贮存量不超过300kg(L)的危险废物要放人符合标准的容器内,加上标签,容器放入坚固的柜或箱中,柜或箱应设多个直径不少于30m的排气孔。不相容的危险废物要分别存放或存放在不渗透间隔分开的区域内,每个部分都应有防漏裙脚或储漏盘,防漏裙脚或储漏盘的材料要与危险废物相容
E. 不相容的危险废物不能堆放在一起


《环境影响评价技术导则 陆地石油天然气开发建设项目》(HJ/T 349—2007)中规定,对于区域性建设项目,三级评价范围为()。

A. 建设项目影响范围并外扩2~3km(影响区边界涉及敏感区部分外扩3km)
B. 建设项目影响范围并外扩2km
C. 建设项目影响范围并外扩1km
D. 建设项目影响范围并外扩0.5km

Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The Belief system is composed of change and constancy.
B. The Belief system is based on science.
C. The Belief system is based on absolutes.
D. The Belief system is uncertain.

The conclusion of this passage is that ______.

A. belief is the real mason which sets us apart
B. belief is universal and every human is as human as we are
C. belief separates people from one another and leads people to become enemies
D. belief is based on gaining wealth, power, wisdom at others' expense

The example of the January poll by Princeton Survey Research Associates is used to show that

American patients' concealment of their medical information has become a big concern
B. a large portion of patients would rather leave their diseases untreated
C. concealing medical information is widespread in the U.S.
D. paying cash for medical service is a common practice among American patients
