Many airlines are having less profit today although there are more demand for air travel.
A. Y
B. N
Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A large variety of foods are available in the Chinese market now.
B. Chinese people like to go to Western restaurants.
C. Traditional Chinese people pay more attention to quantity than to quality.
D. A traditional Chinese dish that presents the right taste, flavor, and color is regarded as an excellent dish.
A. 市人民检察院吴某负责承办谭某涉嫌放纵走私行为进行侦查时,谭某利用朋友提供的“便利”顺利逃脱,承办该案的吴某依据案件紧急情况,应立即作出通缉的决定
B. 明亮公司向公安机关报案,称裴某利用职务便利侵占本公司公款330万元。侦查机关在侦查中发现,裴某有存款370万元,利用侵占的公款购买的本田汽车一部和三室二厅住房一套,还发现裴某私藏军用子弹120发。公安机关对这些财物、物品可作如下处理:扣押本田汽车一部、查封三室二厅住房一套、扣押军用子弹120发、冻结存款370万元
C. 某市无业人员江某因涉嫌盗窃罪和抢劫两罪由某市公安局提请某市检察院对其依法逮捕,在侦查终结后移送某市检察院审查起诉后,在被告知委托辩护人后,江某拒绝委托辩护人。开庭审理前,某市中级人民法院依法为被告人江某指定了一名辩护律师,辩护律师会见江某,有权要求人民法院不得派员在场
D. 人民法院在审理许某走私案的过程中,检察机关鉴于其又涉嫌另外三宗走私案,遂建议人民法院延期审理,则在此阶段,检察院应当自行补充侦查,必要时可要求公安机关协助
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. Controversies exist concerning the traffic in Atlanta.
B. The federal funds were lost under the Clean Air Act.
C. Atlanta must abandon buses and build more highways.
D. The county governments should learn to be cooperative.