Word BankA) expensiveB)be confronted withC) intervinedD) replacedE) energyF) eraG) enabledH) take timeI) abundantJ) conserveK) complicatedL) fluctuatingM) waterN) forseeingO) topIn his 2003 speech at Rice University's Energy & Nanotechnology Conference, the late Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley highlighted the 1 10 problems for the next 50 years. In his list, energy sits at the top, and water comes next. Now, with the price of solar power going down, the dawn of a new energy 2 is just round the corner . As a result, 3 is going to be the greatest challenge for humanity.But the water problem is4. First, unlike coal and oil, water cannot be5. Second, water is6with every other sector of society. Third, while water demands are growing, climate change isintensifying droughts and floods and water supplies are7.There aresolutions , such as building water-transfer aqueducts, hydroelectric dams, and desalination plants. But they may be incredibly 8. It will 9 for scientists to find affordable solutions to the water problem. Before that, everyone should do his or her bit to10 water.
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