A. 唯心史观
B. 唯物史观
C. 宿命论
D. 唯意志论
E. 把英雄人物和人民群众割裂开来的观点
A. 对
B. 错
A. 甲向乙借款10万元,1年后根据约定偿还本息15万元
B. 甲不知诉讼时效已过,向债权人乙清偿债务
Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below. You may need to make other changes.1. My parents are quite aged and they can’t travel as much as they used to.2. When we only had 20 minutes to change flights, we were gloomy about our bags arriving with us at our destination.3. He was distrustful about the good intentions of strangers, so he rarely talked to anyone on train journeys.4. On a long journey, I like to look through a magazine and look out of the window.5. Olive oil and soap are among the many traditional handmade products in Provence.6. As soon as he arrived in Marseille, he went straight to his hotel.7. The sudden awareness that travel can be uncomfortable made him turn round and go back home.8. It’s such an irritation that you need a visa to enter the US.nuisance.