在家畜传染病的综合性防制措施“养、防、检、治”中,“防”就是指用疫苗或血 清预防病毒性传染病时发生;用疫苗、抗生素或药物预防细菌性传染病的发生。
对临诊无症状,但结核菌素阳性反应的牛宰杀后,生殖器官应严格消毒,去势过的 牛只,肉尸与内脏不受限制出场,但母牛的肉尸、内脏要高温处理。
A. 对
B. 错
( )信用证规定受益人开立远期汇票,但能即期收款,受益人到期支付开证申请人承担贴现息和承兑费。
A. 即期付款
B. 延期付款
C. 远期
D. 假远期
( )对受益人最为有利。
A. Sight payment L/C
B. Deferred payment L/C
C. Acceptance L/C
D. Negotiation L/C
下列信用证有关费用的条款,要求卖方负担有关费用的是( )。
All banking charges for seller’s account.
B. Port congestion surcharges, if any, at the time of shipment is for opener’s account.
C. All banking charges out side Hong Kong are for account of accountee.
Drawee bank’s charges and acceptance are for buyer’s account.