
听力原文:M: How is your job doing, Jane?
W: Great! I'm enjoying it a lot. The restaurant is really busy, and the tips are pretty good.
M: I should come and have dinner sometime.
W: Yes, why don't you? I will always welcome an old classmate. You will enjoy our food. I think it's best.
M: OK! I will go tomorrow.
Where does Jane work?

A. In a restaurant.
B. In a firm.
C. In a shop.


It is common sense that, in everyday [ire, had manners account for part of the difficulty

A. 日常生活中,不讲礼貌导致了一些难处的人际关系,这是一个常识。
B. 行为粗鲁是在日常生活中人际关系难处的部分原因,这是一种常识。
C. 这是一个常识性的问题,在日常生活中不讲礼貌与人不好相处。
D. 一般的说,日常生活中的坏习惯来源于人际关系的恶化。

Today's young people generally have more purchasing power than their parents,and they are

A. 如今年轻人的购买能力一般都超过他们父母,而且更乐意消费。
B. 总体上今天的年轻人赚的钱比父母多,而且他们时刻准备消费掉。
C. 如今年轻人在消费上大都比父母大方,而且他们更做好了花钱的准备
D. 每天的年轻人大都认为他们需要比父母多买东西,而且时刻准备这么做。

The course is intended for managers who______.

A. want to strengthen their leadership
B. want to improve their strategic and technical skills
C. lack managerial skills in general
D. lack human management skills

A.He hates playing chess.B.He can play chess well.C.He does not play chess.D.He enjoys

A. He hates playing chess.
B. He can play chess well.
C. He does not play chess.
D. He enjoys playing chess.
