The gambit worked, making the site much more attractive than the competitors...
A. and it made
B. so it makes
C. but it made
D. thus it makes
The problem was, where to find people willing to let strangers stay in their places.
A. who willing to
B. who is willing to
C. who are willing to
D. whom willing to
Uber and Airbnb were also smart about how they chose to expand, picking the right cities at the right time to maximize their success.
A. by picking
B. and picking
C. in picking
D. of picking
… the company started with cars driven by professional drivers.
A. where is driven by
B. where were driven by
C. which is driven by
D. which were driven by
A. 在任管理人员开发
B. 候任管理人员开发
C. 高层管理人员开发
D. 中层管理人员开发