
“醉谷病”是由( A )中毒引起的。

A. 赤霉病麦
B. 霉变甘薯
C. 麦角
D. 霉变甘蔗


尽管压力很大,管晨辰还是将自己的整套动作发挥得近乎完美,获得14.633分,夺得金牌。Despite the pressure, Guan executed her routines to near perfection, earning 14.633 points to______ the gold.

“拿铁爸爸”是一个俚语,指的是一个非常细心且有魅力的瑞典爸爸,你常常能在咖啡馆(所以才有“拿铁”这个名字)看到他们推着婴儿车,穿着名牌衣服,带着一个或多个小孩儿。"Latte papa" is a slang term that ________a very attentive and attractive Swedish dad that can often be found in coffee shops with prams (hence the "Latte" name), wearing designer clothes, and toting one or more kids.

有些人想当然地认为日语中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。Some people ______that there is a Chinese _______for every Japanese word.

我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。We have passed all _______ informaiton on to the police.
