
Listen to the video "Workaholism", and fill in the blanks.If a person is a workaholic, he’s got ______1_______to be driven to ____2_____things. In the workdays, they just keep going, keep ____3______themselves. And a lot of stress leads to many problems, ______4______and diseases.If you are not able to ____5______work, and the work _____6______you, you may be a workaholic and you may need to seek some outside _______7______. You’d be able to _____8_______in your career world and to deal with other issues. Not let workaholism steal the joy of living.



A. 对
B. 错

20世纪50年代中期,日本熊本县水俣湾被石油化工厂废水污染,并通过水-鱼-人食物链在人体内蓄积,引起居民中大量出现以感觉障碍、共济运动失调、视野缩小、听力障碍、语言障碍、眼球运动异常为主要症状和体征的疾病,该病可能由何污染物引起( )

A. 汞
B. 镉
C. 铅
D. 砷
E. 铬

20世纪50年代中期到70年代初期,在日本富山神通川下游地区,因某锌冶炼厂排出废水,使水及水稻受到污染,造成居民中出现以骨骼系统病理改变为主的一系列疾病,该病可能由何污染物引起( )

A. 铅
B. 铬
C. 镉
D. 锰
E. 锌

影响氯化消毒的因素是( )

A. 加氯量和接触时间
B. 水的pH值
C. 水温和浑浊度
D. 以上均是
E. 以上均不是
