
A man who always has the courage tohis mistakes is a man with great prospects.

A. avoid
B. duck
C. rectify
D. manifest


China is trying to makeuse of educational resources so that rural and underdeveloped areas will get more support.

A. optimistic
B. pessimistic
C. optional
D. optimal

Thosehabits will prevent us from innovating.

A. ingraining
B. ingrained
C. endeavored
D. endeavoring

根据规定,下列记账凭证中,可以不附原始凭证的有( )。

A. 现金收款凭证
B. 更正错账的记账凭证
C. 银行收款凭证
D. 银行付款凭证

下列各项中,不属于财务会计报告组成部分的是( )。

A. 所有者权益变动表
B. 银行存款余额调节表
C. 附注
D. 现金流量表
