Some universities even require that all students own or lease a laptop. Some say the focus on technology prepares students for a wired world. "You have to keep up with the rest of the world. Students expect high-bandwidth information, and if you can't deliver it, you're at a competitive disadvantage," states a university president.
A. The topic sentence introduces an effect, and then the details are provided to explain the causes.
B. The topic sentence introduces a cause, and then the effects are described.
A. 拇指揉法
B. 一指禅推法
C. 拇指推法
D. 一指禅偏锋推法
E. 指抹法
A. 刺激量宜小
B. 刺激量宜均
C. 刺激量宜大
D. 刺激量宜持久
E. 以上都不是
五指张开,指骨间关节屈曲,以五指指端接触受术部位,各指骨间关节用力屈曲, 相对用力抓抠的手法是
A. 掐法
B. 抓法
C. 拿法
D. 捏法
E. 抠法
A. 一指禅指端推法操作时,拇指指骨间关节有屈伸和不屈伸两种术式
B. 屈伸拇指式一指禅推法操作时,拇指指骨间关节需跟随腕部的摆动而做节律性屈伸活动
C. 拇指指骨间关节背伸度大者欲做指端着力推法时,只能采用指骨间关节屈伸术式
D. 拇指指骨间关节较挺直者,只能采用指骨间关节不屈伸术式
E. 不屈伸式一指禅指端推法刺激量更大