

A. 原始凭证
B. 记账凭证
C. 会计账簿
D. 年度预算


class,classism1)Racism, xenophobia and ________ all lead to unfair judgement or teratment of people who are considered outgroups.2)Generalizations about American culture often refer to norms and behaviour patterns of the American middle _______.

independent, independencel) When you learn tom make________decisions,you also learn to take responsibility for your own words and actions2) In individualist cultures, self-reliance and _______ are valued and advocated.

refuse, refusal1)People from different cultural backgrounds probably use different _____ strategies.2)For many foreigners, sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether a Chinese really does not want the gift when he or she ______ it.

appreciate, appreciation1)I really _______ that you took the time to read my book and gave me your honest opinion.2)My sincere ___________ goes to the technical team who have always been there to help us solve problems.
