
FMC 故障显示( ):

A. CDU便签行上显示‘FMC FAIL’
B. CDU上红色的‘FAIL’ 灯亮
D. CDU上显示‘FMC’, CDU上的琥珀色‘FAIL’ 灯, 和每个自动飞行状态通告器(ASA)上的‘FMC’灯亮


In order for the FMC to calculate the full rated takeoff N1 limit, what must first be entered into the FMCS MCDU?

A. airplane gross weight
B. outside air temperature
C. cruise altitude
D. selected temperature

The flight management computer does its power-up test when power is applied to the system or when:

A. a failure is detected by any monitor
B. DFCS BITE requests an FMC test
C. the software determines the correct time span has gone by
D. the self test switch on the flight management computer front panel is pushed and let go

A control display unit (CDU) failure is shown by:

A. the FMC warning light on both autoflight status annunciators is steady red
B. a ‘CDU FAIL’ message in the CDU scratchpad
C. a blank CDU display
D. a ‘CDU FAIL’ message in the middle of the CDU screen

在FMC中用来选择、计算、发送显示数据的是:( )

A. 导航功能模块;
B. 性能功能模块;
C. EFIS模块;
D. 制导功能模块。
