
The idea that engineers need to create a new design to solve every problem is obsolete because __________.

A. you can firstly browse the Internet or other information system to see if somebody else has already designed something is close to what you need
B. you may discover somebody already has manufacturing drawings, numerical control programs, and everything else required to manufacture your product.
C. you can focus your professional competence on unsolved problems
D. All of the above answers.


_________ can be directed to help the manufacturer drop-ship product to the customer when the product is completed.

A. Computer designers
B. Remote manufacturing
C. Product carriers
D. Product designers

___________ can provide widely and instantaneously available, accurate information, improving communication.

A. Computer manufacturing
B. Computer design
Computer integration
D. Computer planning

What is the attitude of big companies towards customer design ?

A. They mocked at the idea.
B. They shouted at the idea.
C. They knew everything about the idea.
D. They were shocked at the idea.

Research has to focus on the cost benefit of factors such as reliability because ______.

A. as reliability increases, manufacturing final cost may increase
B. as reliability increases, manufacturing costs and the final cost will decrease
C. as reliability decreases, manufacturing costs and the final cost will decrease
D. as reliability increases, manufacturing costs and the final cost may increase
