
执行以下语句后,str2的值是()。 String str1="abc"; String str2=strconcat("cde");

A. abcde
B. abccde
C. cdeabc
D. edccba


Because they were (unaware of) his (interests in) the building, they did net understand why he (felt) (so had).

A. unaware of
B. interests in
C. felt
D. so had

Fewer and fewer of today's workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field,

A. far more
B. much worse
C. less likely
D. let alone


A. 甲公司因对标的物的品种、规格、质量、数量发生错误认识,致行为后果与行为人本意相悖,并致甲公司造成较大损失的,甲公司可提出撤销该合同
B. 张某因儿子重病急需用钱,遂向李某提出借款10万元,李某提出可以给张某10万元,但张某应将其楼房一处卖给李某,张某为给儿子治病,遂违心地答应李某以10万元购买其楼房一处,该买卖合同可撤销
C. 甲公司利用张某对房地产市场不了解,以10万元购买张某价值25万元的楼房一处,该买卖合同可撤销
D. 当事人一方要求撤销合同的,应向人民法院或仲裁机构提出

The Titanic turned (just) in time and narrowly missed (to be struck) by the immense wall of ice which (rose) over 100 feet out of the water (beside her).

A. just
B. to be struck
C. rose
D. beside her
