A. 福禄培尔
B. 蒙台梭利
C. 陶行知
D. 陈鹤琴
A. 微波炉
B. 伯爵
C. 微生物
A. 131I放射性治疗
B. 碘剂治疗
C. 抗甲状腺药物+甲状腺片治疗
D. 甲状腺次全切除
E. 单纯抗甲状腺药物
Consider this syntax: MERGE INTO t1 USING t2 ON (join predicate)….. What does the MERGE syntax do?()
A. It performs a merge join of the row from T2 only if it doesn’t exist in the T1 table.
B. It creates a natural join of tables T1 and T2 for all columns that have the same name.
C. It creates a Cartesian product of table T1 and table T2 for all columns that have the same name.
D. For each row from T2, it updates the row if it exists within table T1, otherwise it inserts the row into T1.