![查题吧 查题吧](./img/ctb.jpg)
- 剩余法评估中,不需要考虑( )。
- ( )GPS主要用于局部变形监测和各种精密工程测量。
- 土地的开发周期一般根据土地开发的( )。
- 剩余法评估中,不可预见费用一般以( )为计算基数。
- 若全站仪使用拓普康仪器配套的棱镜,其棱镜常数设置为( )。
- 剩余法评估中,开发建设周期的长短对( )有影响。
- 1992年国家测绘局组织对A级网( )点进行观测,1996年又进行了复测,解出了相应于ITRF(国际地球参考框架)1993的A级网点的坐标及其相应的运动速率。
- 将剩余法评估中的现金流量折现到评估基准日,相当于计算了开发成本中( )部分。
- 运用剩余法前调查土地的权利状况,是为( )服务。
- 剩余法评估中,确定开发完成后不动产价格的方法有( )。
- 用GPS定位技术进行控制测量时,相对定位的精度( )绝对定位。
- 房地产开发项目和投资决策常常运用剩余法求取的是( )。
- 下列属于直接筹资所体现的特点是( )
- 某公司打算购买一块商业用地用于开发,估计预计建成商场后出售的收益为1500万元,花费的建安及专业利税为500万元,在获得的利润不少于300万元的前提下,该公司的用于购地的金额最高为( )万元。
- 剩余法更深的理论依据完全类似于( )。
- 某公司通过拍卖取得一块土地的综合开发权,设土地开发周期为2年,分两期进行,建筑物建造周期为3年,分3期进行,则第2期建筑物开发费的计息期为( )。
- 在剩余法评估中,下列成本中计算利息的周期最长的是( )。
- 下列影响股利支付政策的因素中,属于公司因素的是 ( )
- β-内酰胺类药物的含量测定方法通常有
- 企业因扩大生产经营规模或增加对外投资而产生的追加筹资的动机为( )
- 衡量财务杠杆利益或风险程度的指标是( )
- 下列药物与茚三酮试剂反应,显蓝紫色的是
- 下列带有通配符的文件名中,能表示文件“ABC.TXT”的是
- 有意识的从众行为主要是出于()。
- 我国托儿所教养大纲中规定,2岁以上的儿童可以参加集体活动,时间在()。
- 文化水平对教育的()表现为:教师文化水平→教育水平→学生文化水平→受教育水平→家长文化水平→下一代。
- 存荩准利率确定后,各金融机构根据基准利率和借贷款项的特点而换算出来的利率是( )
- 设有如下定义: struct sk { int a; float b; }data; int *p; 若要使p指向data中的a域,正确的赋值语句是
- β-内酰胺类抗生素药物的基本性质是
- 坂口反应是下列药物的特征反应
- Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet 1. Text 1 The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CaIPERS) has positioned itself as the premier champion of investor rights, regularly singling out bad managers at some of the nation’s largest companies in its annual corporate-governance focus lists. And with $153 billion under management, Wall Street tends to listen when CalPERS speaks out. But the country’s largest pension fund has never taken on as big a fish as it did Dec. 16, when it filed a class action against the New York Stock Exchange and seven of its member firms. CalPERS’ suit charges the NYSE and specialist firms with fraud, alleging that the exchange skirted its regulatory duties and allowed its members to trade stocks at the expense of investors. The move is a major slap in the face for the NYSE’s recently appointed interim Chairman John Reed. The former Citibank chairman and CEO came on board in September after the exchange’s longtime head, Richard Grasso, resigned under pressure over public outrage about his excessive compensation. Reed has been widely criticized by CalPERS and other institutional investors for not including representatives of investors on the exchange’s newly constituted board and not clearly separating the exchange’s regulatory function from its day-to-day operations. The CalPERS lawsuit is evidence that the investment communities’ dissatisfaction hasn’t ebbed. "Our hopes were dashed when Mr. Reed didn’t perform," says Harrigan. The suit alleges that seven specialist firms profited by abusing and overusing a series of trading tactics. The tactics, which are not currently illegal, include "penny jumping’, where a firm positions itself between two orders to capture a piece of the price differential, "front running", which involves trading in advance of customers based on confidential information obtained by their orders, and "freezing" the firm’s order book so that the firm can make trades on its own account first. Many of the suit’s allegations are based on a previously disclosed investigation of the exchange conducted by the Securities & Exchange Commission. According to the suit, the October SEC report found "serious deficiencies in the NYSE’s surveillance and investigative procedures, including a habit of ignoring repeat violations by specialist firms". The suit highlights the growing frustration that institutional investors have expressed with what they perceive as a system that needs to be revamped—if not eliminated. According to California State Comptroller Steve Westley, a CalPERS board member who participated in the Dec. 16 press conference, he has repeatedly called on the NYSE to end its use of specialist firms to facilitate trades and move to a system of openly matching of buyers and sellers. BLIND EYE "There’s no reason not to move to a fully automated exchange," Westley says. "Every exchange in the world is using such a system. The time is now for the NYSE to move into the 21st century and remove the cloud that there’s self-dealing working against investors." The CalPERS lawsuit indicates that ()
- 绩效管理归属于下列战略管理组成的哪一部分( )
- 季节性存货属于( )
- 与茚三酮试液产生颜色反应(生成蓝紫色产物)的药物是
- 有效管理者的个性大多是()。
- 下面四种答案中哪一种不是组织变革的原因()。
- 投资项目投入使用后的现金流量现值之和与初始投资额之比是( )
- Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet 1. Text 1 The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CaIPERS) has positioned itself as the premier champion of investor rights, regularly singling out bad managers at some of the nation’s largest companies in its annual corporate-governance focus lists. And with $153 billion under management, Wall Street tends to listen when CalPERS speaks out. But the country’s largest pension fund has never taken on as big a fish as it did Dec. 16, when it filed a class action against the New York Stock Exchange and seven of its member firms. CalPERS’ suit charges the NYSE and specialist firms with fraud, alleging that the exchange skirted its regulatory duties and allowed its members to trade stocks at the expense of investors. The move is a major slap in the face for the NYSE’s recently appointed interim Chairman John Reed. The former Citibank chairman and CEO came on board in September after the exchange’s longtime head, Richard Grasso, resigned under pressure over public outrage about his excessive compensation. Reed has been widely criticized by CalPERS and other institutional investors for not including representatives of investors on the exchange’s newly constituted board and not clearly separating the exchange’s regulatory function from its day-to-day operations. The CalPERS lawsuit is evidence that the investment communities’ dissatisfaction hasn’t ebbed. "Our hopes were dashed when Mr. Reed didn’t perform," says Harrigan. The suit alleges that seven specialist firms profited by abusing and overusing a series of trading tactics. The tactics, which are not currently illegal, include "penny jumping’, where a firm positions itself between two orders to capture a piece of the price differential, "front running", which involves trading in advance of customers based on confidential information obtained by their orders, and "freezing" the firm’s order book so that the firm can make trades on its own account first. Many of the suit’s allegations are based on a previously disclosed investigation of the exchange conducted by the Securities & Exchange Commission. According to the suit, the October SEC report found "serious deficiencies in the NYSE’s surveillance and investigative procedures, including a habit of ignoring repeat violations by specialist firms". The suit highlights the growing frustration that institutional investors have expressed with what they perceive as a system that needs to be revamped—if not eliminated. According to California State Comptroller Steve Westley, a CalPERS board member who participated in the Dec. 16 press conference, he has repeatedly called on the NYSE to end its use of specialist firms to facilitate trades and move to a system of openly matching of buyers and sellers. BLIND EYE "There’s no reason not to move to a fully automated exchange," Westley says. "Every exchange in the world is using such a system. The time is now for the NYSE to move into the 21st century and remove the cloud that there’s self-dealing working against investors." Which of the following statements is Not true()
- 群体规范()。
- 人对客观事物的感知()。
- Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet 1. Text 1 The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CaIPERS) has positioned itself as the premier champion of investor rights, regularly singling out bad managers at some of the nation’s largest companies in its annual corporate-governance focus lists. And with $153 billion under management, Wall Street tends to listen when CalPERS speaks out. But the country’s largest pension fund has never taken on as big a fish as it did Dec. 16, when it filed a class action against the New York Stock Exchange and seven of its member firms. CalPERS’ suit charges the NYSE and specialist firms with fraud, alleging that the exchange skirted its regulatory duties and allowed its members to trade stocks at the expense of investors. The move is a major slap in the face for the NYSE’s recently appointed interim Chairman John Reed. The former Citibank chairman and CEO came on board in September after the exchange’s longtime head, Richard Grasso, resigned under pressure over public outrage about his excessive compensation. Reed has been widely criticized by CalPERS and other institutional investors for not including representatives of investors on the exchange’s newly constituted board and not clearly separating the exchange’s regulatory function from its day-to-day operations. The CalPERS lawsuit is evidence that the investment communities’ dissatisfaction hasn’t ebbed. "Our hopes were dashed when Mr. Reed didn’t perform," says Harrigan. The suit alleges that seven specialist firms profited by abusing and overusing a series of trading tactics. The tactics, which are not currently illegal, include "penny jumping’, where a firm positions itself between two orders to capture a piece of the price differential, "front running", which involves trading in advance of customers based on confidential information obtained by their orders, and "freezing" the firm’s order book so that the firm can make trades on its own account first. Many of the suit’s allegations are based on a previously disclosed investigation of the exchange conducted by the Securities & Exchange Commission. According to the suit, the October SEC report found "serious deficiencies in the NYSE’s surveillance and investigative procedures, including a habit of ignoring repeat violations by specialist firms". The suit highlights the growing frustration that institutional investors have expressed with what they perceive as a system that needs to be revamped—if not eliminated. According to California State Comptroller Steve Westley, a CalPERS board member who participated in the Dec. 16 press conference, he has repeatedly called on the NYSE to end its use of specialist firms to facilitate trades and move to a system of openly matching of buyers and sellers. BLIND EYE "There’s no reason not to move to a fully automated exchange," Westley says. "Every exchange in the world is using such a system. The time is now for the NYSE to move into the 21st century and remove the cloud that there’s self-dealing working against investors." According to Westley, NYSE's problem results from()
- 在(),学前教育的目标是:以发展儿童智力为中心。
- 下列说法正确的是()。
- 本金本期产生的利息在下一个计息期也加入到本金中,随着本金计算下一期利息,这种计息方式是( )
- 我国铁路货物运价里程表所采用的计算方法是()。
- 关于货们规划的说法,不正确的是()。
- 不同的拣货单位分区中,按拣货方法及设备的不同,又可划分若干的分区,分区的原则通常按商品的()来分类的。
- ()是电子商务工具,它将商业文件与进口许可证、报关单等按统一的标准编制成计算机能识别和处理的数据格式,在计算机之间进行传输。
- 海空运输进口信息系统的功能程序是()。
- ()是货运企业稳定的业务来源。
- ()是现代物流区别于过去物流储运的物品流通阶段的最大特点。
- Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet 1. Text 1 The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CaIPERS) has positioned itself as the premier champion of investor rights, regularly singling out bad managers at some of the nation’s largest companies in its annual corporate-governance focus lists. And with $153 billion under management, Wall Street tends to listen when CalPERS speaks out. But the country’s largest pension fund has never taken on as big a fish as it did Dec. 16, when it filed a class action against the New York Stock Exchange and seven of its member firms. CalPERS’ suit charges the NYSE and specialist firms with fraud, alleging that the exchange skirted its regulatory duties and allowed its members to trade stocks at the expense of investors. The move is a major slap in the face for the NYSE’s recently appointed interim Chairman John Reed. The former Citibank chairman and CEO came on board in September after the exchange’s longtime head, Richard Grasso, resigned under pressure over public outrage about his excessive compensation. Reed has been widely criticized by CalPERS and other institutional investors for not including representatives of investors on the exchange’s newly constituted board and not clearly separating the exchange’s regulatory function from its day-to-day operations. The CalPERS lawsuit is evidence that the investment communities’ dissatisfaction hasn’t ebbed. "Our hopes were dashed when Mr. Reed didn’t perform," says Harrigan. The suit alleges that seven specialist firms profited by abusing and overusing a series of trading tactics. The tactics, which are not currently illegal, include "penny jumping’, where a firm positions itself between two orders to capture a piece of the price differential, "front running", which involves trading in advance of customers based on confidential information obtained by their orders, and "freezing" the firm’s order book so that the firm can make trades on its own account first. Many of the suit’s allegations are based on a previously disclosed investigation of the exchange conducted by the Securities & Exchange Commission. According to the suit, the October SEC report found "serious deficiencies in the NYSE’s surveillance and investigative procedures, including a habit of ignoring repeat violations by specialist firms". The suit highlights the growing frustration that institutional investors have expressed with what they perceive as a system that needs to be revamped—if not eliminated. According to California State Comptroller Steve Westley, a CalPERS board member who participated in the Dec. 16 press conference, he has repeatedly called on the NYSE to end its use of specialist firms to facilitate trades and move to a system of openly matching of buyers and sellers. BLIND EYE "There’s no reason not to move to a fully automated exchange," Westley says. "Every exchange in the world is using such a system. The time is now for the NYSE to move into the 21st century and remove the cloud that there’s self-dealing working against investors." The best title for the text may be ()
- ()的基本特点是:企业的组织结构是由一些最基本的功能单元按产品生产的需要临时组合起来的,能随时根据产品品种、产量的变化而变化。
- 北美谷物航次租船合同是专用于()出口谷物的航次租船合同。
- 马斯洛说的自我实现是指()。
- 当库存量大于需要量时,()等于零。
- 货物运费等级和运输距离计算错误造成的超额收费经过审核后应退还()。
- 订单分批中,总合计量分批通常是拣取()。
- 下列选项中,()是提高海运货物中转运作效率的重要基础
- 物流预测应用的定量预浊方法是()
- ()是经济型客户,重视价格优惠,是货运企业与客户关系的主要部分。
- 仓储管理信息系统的功能结构中,主要功能包括()。
- 划分仓库和提货方责任的作业环节是()。
- 库存控制系统主要完成库存数量控制和(),一避免因库存积压过多造成的利润损失。
- Text 4 The meanings of "science" and "technology" have changed significantly from one generation to another. More similarities than differences, however, can be found between the terms. Both science and technology imply a thinking process, both are concerned with causal relationships in the material world, and both employ an experimental methodology that results in empirical demonstrations that can be verified by repetition. Science, at least in theory, is less concerned with the practicality of its results and more concerned with the development of general laws, but in practice science and technology are inextricably involved with each other. The varying interplay of the two can be observed in the historical development of such practitioners as chemists, engineers, physicists9 astronomers, carpenters, potters, and many other specialists. Differing educational requirements, social status, vocabulary, methodology, and types of rewards, as well as institutional objectives and professional goals, contribute to such distinctions as can be made between the activities of scientists and technologists; but throughout history the practitioners of "pure" science have made many practical as well as theoretical contributions. Indeed, the concept that science provides the ideas for technological innovations and that pure research is therefore essential for any significant advancement in industrial civilization is essentially a myth. Most of the greatest changes in industrial civilization cannot be traced to the laboratory. Fundamental tools and processes in the fields of mechanics, chemistry,. astronomy, metallurgy, and hydraulics were developed before the laws governing their functions were discovered. The steam engine, for example, was commonplace before the science of thermodynamics elucidated the physical principle underlying its operations. In recent years a sharp value distinction has grown up between science and technology. Advances in science have frequently had their bitter opponents, but today many people have come to fear technology much more than science. For these people, science may be perceived as a serene, objective source for understanding the eternal laws of nature, whereas the practical manifestations of technology in the modern world now seem to them to be out of control. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization, but also that the rate of technological change has developed its own momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now seem to appear at a rate that increase geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems, frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. What does "the practical manifestations.., out of control" (Para. 3) mean()
- 物料需求计划的核心是根据()来确定物料需求数量的计划。
- 某女,孕6个月,面浮肢肿,皮深色白而光亮,按之凹陷,气短懒言,口淡无味,舌淡苔白腻,脉缓滑无力。治宜选用
- 租船合同的共同海损条款中,一般规定若发生共同海损,应按照什么规则理算。国际上使用最广泛的是()。
- 不属于商品正式堆垛前应具备的条件的选项是()。
- 患者,李某,女,42岁,吐血缠绵不止,时轻时重,血色暗淡,伴见神疲乏力,心悸气短,面色苍白,舌质淡,脉细弱。该病例中医辨证为