- [背景资料] 某泵站工程,业主与总承包商、监理单位分别签订了施工合同、监理合同。总承包商经业主同意将土方开挖、设备安装与防渗工程分别分包给专业性公司,并签订了分包合同。 施工合同中说明:建设工期278d,2012年9月1日开工,工程造价4357万元。合同约定结算方法;合同价款调整范围为业主认定的工程量增减、设计变更和洽商;安装配件、防渗工程的材料费调整依据为本地区工程造价管理部门公布的价格调整文件。 实施过程中,发生如下事件: 事件一:结构施工期间,总承包商经总监理工程师同意更换了原项目经理,组织管理一度失调,导致封顶时间延误8d。总承包商以总监理工程师同意为由,要求给予适当工期补偿。 事件二:监理工程师检查防渗工程,发现止水带安装不符合要求,记录并要求防渗公司整改。防渗公司整改后向监理工程师进行了口头汇报,监理工程师即签证认可。事后发现仍有部分有误,需进行返工。 事件三:在做基础处理时,经中间检查发现施工不符合设计要求,防渗公司也自认为难以达到合同规定的质量要求,就向监理工程师提出终止合同的书面申请。 事件四:在进行结算时,总承包商根据已标价的工程量清单,要求安装配件费用按发票价计取,业主认为应按合同条件中约定计取,为此发生争议。 [问题] 在事件三中,你认为监理工程师应如何协调处理
- "Opinion" is a word that is used carelessly today. It is used to refer to matters of taste, belief, and judgment. This casual use would probably cause little confusion if people didn"t attach too much importance to opinion. Unfortunately, most do attach great importance to it. "I have as much right to my opinion as you to yours," and "Everyone"s entitled to his opinion," are common expressions. In fact, anyone who would challenge another"s opinion is likely to be branded intolerant. Is that label accurate Is it intolerant to challenge another"s opinion It depends on what definition of opinion you have in mind. For example, you may ask a friend "What do you think of the new Ford cars" And he may reply, "In my opinion, they"re ugly. " In this case, it would not only be intolerant to challenge his statement, but foolish. For it"s obvious that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste. And as the old saying goes, "It"s pointless to argue about matters of taste. " But consider this very different use of the term, a newspaper reports that the Supreme Court has delivered its opinion in a controversial case. Obviously the justices did not share their personal preferences, their mere likes and dislikes; they stated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thorough inquiry and deliberation. Most of what is referred to as opinion falls somewhere between these two extremes. It is not an expression of taste. Nor is it careful judgment. Yet it may contain elements of both. It is a view or belief more or less casually arrived at, with or without examining the evidence. Is everyone entitled to his opinion Of course, this is not only permitted, but guaranteed. We are free to act on our opinions only so long as, in doing so, we do not harm others. (311 words) According to the author, who of the following would be labeled as intolerant
- Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, "The business of America is business. " By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world. Few would argue with Ford"s statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as "the entertainment industry" or "show business". The positive side of Henry Ford"s statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to U.S. life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the U.S. economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system creates more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life. The negative side of Henry Ford"s statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business—referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout U.S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to form unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing—the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high—creates feelings of insecurity for many. (337 words) The United States is a typical country______.
- Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, "The business of America is business. " By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world. Few would argue with Ford"s statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as "the entertainment industry" or "show business". The positive side of Henry Ford"s statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to U.S. life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the U.S. economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system creates more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life. The negative side of Henry Ford"s statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business—referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout U.S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to form unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing—the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high—creates feelings of insecurity for many. (337 words) Henry Ford"s statements can be taken negatively because______.
- A recent study, published in last week"s Journal of the American Medical Association, offers a picture of how risky it is to get a lift from a teenage driver. Indeed, a 16-year-old driver with three or more passengers is three times as likely to have a fatal accident as a teenager driving alone. By contrast, the risk of death for drivers between 30 and 59 decreases with each additional passenger.The authors also found that the death rates for teenage drivers increased dramatically after 10 p.m., and especially after midnight, with passengers in the car, the driver was even more likely to die in a late-night accident Robert Foss, a scientist at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, says the higher death rates for teenage drivers have less to do with "really stupid behavior" than with just a lack of driving experience. "The basic issue," He says, "is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is. " Both he and the author of the study believe that the way to mitigate (使......缓解) the problem is to have states institute so-called graduated licensing systems, in which getting a license is a multistage process. A graduated license requires that a teenager first prove himself capable of driving in the presence of an adult, followed by a period of driving with night of passenger restrictions, before graduating to full driving privileges. Graduated licensing systems have reduced teenage driver crashes, according to recent studies. About half of the states now have some sort of graduated licensing system in place, but only 10 of those states have restrictions on passengers. California is the strictest, with a novice (新手) driver prohibited from carrying any passenger under 20 (with-out the presence of an adult over 25) for the first six months. (311 words) Which of the following situations is most dangerous according to the passage
- Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, "The business of America is business. " By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world. Few would argue with Ford"s statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as "the entertainment industry" or "show business". The positive side of Henry Ford"s statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to U.S. life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the U.S. economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system creates more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life. The negative side of Henry Ford"s statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business—referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout U.S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to form unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing—the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high—creates feelings of insecurity for many. (337 words) The influence of business in the U.S. is evidenced by the fact that______.
- [背景资料] 某综合利用水利枢纽工程,枯水期流量很少;坝型为土石坝,黏土心墙防渗;坝址处河道较窄,岸坡平缓。 工程中的某分部工程包括坝基开挖、坝基防渗及坝体填筑,该分部工程验收结论为:“本分部工程划分为80个单元工程,其中合格30个,优良50个,主要单元工程、重要隐蔽工程及关键部位的单元工程质量优良,且未发生过质量事故;中间产品质量全部合格,其中混凝土拌合物质量达到优良,故本分部工程优良。” [问题] 根据水利水电工程有关质量评定规程,质量评定时项目划分为哪几级
- [背景资料] 某泵站工程,业主与总承包商、监理单位分别签订了施工合同、监理合同。总承包商经业主同意将土方开挖、设备安装与防渗工程分别分包给专业性公司,并签订了分包合同。 施工合同中说明:建设工期278d,2012年9月1日开工,工程造价4357万元。合同约定结算方法;合同价款调整范围为业主认定的工程量增减、设计变更和洽商;安装配件、防渗工程的材料费调整依据为本地区工程造价管理部门公布的价格调整文件。 实施过程中,发生如下事件: 事件一:结构施工期间,总承包商经总监理工程师同意更换了原项目经理,组织管理一度失调,导致封顶时间延误8d。总承包商以总监理工程师同意为由,要求给予适当工期补偿。 事件二:监理工程师检查防渗工程,发现止水带安装不符合要求,记录并要求防渗公司整改。防渗公司整改后向监理工程师进行了口头汇报,监理工程师即签证认可。事后发现仍有部分有误,需进行返工。 事件三:在做基础处理时,经中间检查发现施工不符合设计要求,防渗公司也自认为难以达到合同规定的质量要求,就向监理工程师提出终止合同的书面申请。 事件四:在进行结算时,总承包商根据已标价的工程量清单,要求安装配件费用按发票价计取,业主认为应按合同条件中约定计取,为此发生争议。 [问题] 在事件二中,返修的经济损失由谁承担监理工程师有什么不妥之处
- [背景资料] 某退水闸为大(1)型工程,批复概算约3亿元,某招标代理机构组织了此次招标工作。在招标文件审查会上,专家甲、乙、丙、丁、戊分别提出了如下建议: 甲:为了防止投标人哄抬报价,建议招标文件规定投标报价超过标底5%的为废标。 乙:投标人资格应与工程规模相称,建议招标文件规定投标报价超过注册资本金5倍的为废标。 丙:开标是招标工作的重要环节,建议招标文件规定投标人的法定代表人或委托代理人不参加开标会的,招标人可宣布其弃权。 丁:招标由招标人负责,建议招标文件规定评标委员会主任由招标人代表担任,且评标委员会主任在投标人得分中所占权重为20%,其他成员合计占80%。, 戊:地方政府实施的征地移民工作进度难以控制,建议招标文件专用合同条款中规定,由于地方政府的原因未能及时提供施工现场的,招标人不承担违约责任。 招标文件完善后进行发售,在规定时间内,投标人递交了投标文件。其中,投标人甲在投标文件中提出将弃渣场清理项目进行分包,并承诺严格管理分包单位,不允许分包单位再次分包,且分包单位项目管理机构人员均由本单位人员担任。经过评标、定标、该投标人中标,与发包人签订了总承包合同,并与分包单位签订了弃渣场清理项目分包合同,约定单价12.88元/m3,相应的单价分析表如表1所示。 表1 单价分析表序号费用分析单位金额计价方法1直接工程费元B(1)+(2)+(3)(1)A元10.00①+②+③①人工费元2.00∑定额人工工时×D②材料费元5.00∑E×材料预算单价③机械使用费元3.00∑定额机械台时用量×F(2)其他直接费元0.20(1)×其他直接费费率(2%)(3)现场经费元0.60(1)×现场经费费率(6%)2间接费元C1×间接费费率(8%)3企业利润元0.82(1+2)×企业利润率(7%)4税金元0.40(1+2+3)×税率(3.22%)5工程单价元12.881+2+3+4 [问题] 指出弃渣场清理单价分析表中A、B、C、D、E、F分别代表的含义或数值。
- A recent study, published in last week"s Journal of the American Medical Association, offers a picture of how risky it is to get a lift from a teenage driver. Indeed, a 16-year-old driver with three or more passengers is three times as likely to have a fatal accident as a teenager driving alone. By contrast, the risk of death for drivers between 30 and 59 decreases with each additional passenger.The authors also found that the death rates for teenage drivers increased dramatically after 10 p.m., and especially after midnight, with passengers in the car, the driver was even more likely to die in a late-night accident Robert Foss, a scientist at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, says the higher death rates for teenage drivers have less to do with "really stupid behavior" than with just a lack of driving experience. "The basic issue," He says, "is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is. " Both he and the author of the study believe that the way to mitigate (使......缓解) the problem is to have states institute so-called graduated licensing systems, in which getting a license is a multistage process. A graduated license requires that a teenager first prove himself capable of driving in the presence of an adult, followed by a period of driving with night of passenger restrictions, before graduating to full driving privileges. Graduated licensing systems have reduced teenage driver crashes, according to recent studies. About half of the states now have some sort of graduated licensing system in place, but only 10 of those states have restrictions on passengers. California is the strictest, with a novice (新手) driver prohibited from carrying any passenger under 20 (with-out the presence of an adult over 25) for the first six months. (311 words) According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is TRUE
- Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, "The business of America is business. " By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world. Few would argue with Ford"s statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as "the entertainment industry" or "show business". The positive side of Henry Ford"s statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to U.S. life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the U.S. economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system creates more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life. The negative side of Henry Ford"s statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business—referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout U.S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to form unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing—the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high—creates feelings of insecurity for many. (337 words) According to the passage, immigrants choose to settle in the U. S. , dreaming that
- [背景资料] 某综合利用水利枢纽工程,枯水期流量很少;坝型为土石坝,黏土心墙防渗;坝址处河道较窄,岸坡平缓。 工程中的某分部工程包括坝基开挖、坝基防渗及坝体填筑,该分部工程验收结论为:“本分部工程划分为80个单元工程,其中合格30个,优良50个,主要单元工程、重要隐蔽工程及关键部位的单元工程质量优良,且未发生过质量事故;中间产品质量全部合格,其中混凝土拌合物质量达到优良,故本分部工程优良。” [问题] 大坝施工前碾压实验主要确定哪些压实参数施工中坝体与混凝土泄洪闸连接部位的填筑,应采取哪些措施保证填筑质量
- [背景资料] 某退水闸为大(1)型工程,批复概算约3亿元,某招标代理机构组织了此次招标工作。在招标文件审查会上,专家甲、乙、丙、丁、戊分别提出了如下建议: 甲:为了防止投标人哄抬报价,建议招标文件规定投标报价超过标底5%的为废标。 乙:投标人资格应与工程规模相称,建议招标文件规定投标报价超过注册资本金5倍的为废标。 丙:开标是招标工作的重要环节,建议招标文件规定投标人的法定代表人或委托代理人不参加开标会的,招标人可宣布其弃权。 丁:招标由招标人负责,建议招标文件规定评标委员会主任由招标人代表担任,且评标委员会主任在投标人得分中所占权重为20%,其他成员合计占80%。, 戊:地方政府实施的征地移民工作进度难以控制,建议招标文件专用合同条款中规定,由于地方政府的原因未能及时提供施工现场的,招标人不承担违约责任。 招标文件完善后进行发售,在规定时间内,投标人递交了投标文件。其中,投标人甲在投标文件中提出将弃渣场清理项目进行分包,并承诺严格管理分包单位,不允许分包单位再次分包,且分包单位项目管理机构人员均由本单位人员担任。经过评标、定标、该投标人中标,与发包人签订了总承包合同,并与分包单位签订了弃渣场清理项目分包合同,约定单价12.88元/m3,相应的单价分析表如表1所示。 表1 单价分析表序号费用分析单位金额计价方法1直接工程费元B(1)+(2)+(3)(1)A元10.00①+②+③①人工费元2.00∑定额人工工时×D②材料费元5.00∑E×材料预算单价③机械使用费元3.00∑定额机械台时用量×F(2)其他直接费元0.20(1)×其他直接费费率(2%)(3)现场经费元0.60(1)×现场经费费率(6%)2间接费元C1×间接费费率(8%)3企业利润元0.82(1+2)×企业利润率(7%)4税金元0.40(1+2+3)×税率(3.22%)5工程单价元12.881+2+3+4 [问题] 分包单位项目管理机构设置,哪些人员必须是分包单位本单位人员本单位人员必须满足的条件有哪些
- "Opinion" is a word that is used carelessly today. It is used to refer to matters of taste, belief, and judgment. This casual use would probably cause little confusion if people didn"t attach too much importance to opinion. Unfortunately, most do attach great importance to it. "I have as much right to my opinion as you to yours," and "Everyone"s entitled to his opinion," are common expressions. In fact, anyone who would challenge another"s opinion is likely to be branded intolerant. Is that label accurate Is it intolerant to challenge another"s opinion It depends on what definition of opinion you have in mind. For example, you may ask a friend "What do you think of the new Ford cars" And he may reply, "In my opinion, they"re ugly. " In this case, it would not only be intolerant to challenge his statement, but foolish. For it"s obvious that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste. And as the old saying goes, "It"s pointless to argue about matters of taste. " But consider this very different use of the term, a newspaper reports that the Supreme Court has delivered its opinion in a controversial case. Obviously the justices did not share their personal preferences, their mere likes and dislikes; they stated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thorough inquiry and deliberation. Most of what is referred to as opinion falls somewhere between these two extremes. It is not an expression of taste. Nor is it careful judgment. Yet it may contain elements of both. It is a view or belief more or less casually arrived at, with or without examining the evidence. Is everyone entitled to his opinion Of course, this is not only permitted, but guaranteed. We are free to act on our opinions only so long as, in doing so, we do not harm others. (311 words) Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the author
- [背景资料] 某综合利用水利枢纽工程,枯水期流量很少;坝型为土石坝,黏土心墙防渗;坝址处河道较窄,岸坡平缓。 工程中的某分部工程包括坝基开挖、坝基防渗及坝体填筑,该分部工程验收结论为:“本分部工程划分为80个单元工程,其中合格30个,优良50个,主要单元工程、重要隐蔽工程及关键部位的单元工程质量优良,且未发生过质量事故;中间产品质量全部合格,其中混凝土拌合物质量达到优良,故本分部工程优良。” [问题] 大坝拟采用碾压式填筑,其压实机械主要有哪几种类型坝面作业分哪几项主要工序
- [背景资料] 某综合利用水利枢纽工程,枯水期流量很少;坝型为土石坝,黏土心墙防渗;坝址处河道较窄,岸坡平缓。 工程中的某分部工程包括坝基开挖、坝基防渗及坝体填筑,该分部工程验收结论为:“本分部工程划分为80个单元工程,其中合格30个,优良50个,主要单元工程、重要隐蔽工程及关键部位的单元工程质量优良,且未发生过质量事故;中间产品质量全部合格,其中混凝土拌合物质量达到优良,故本分部工程优良。” [问题] 根据该项目的工程条件,请你选择合理的施工导流方式及其泄水建筑物类型。
- [背景资料] 某泵站工程,业主与总承包商、监理单位分别签订了施工合同、监理合同。总承包商经业主同意将土方开挖、设备安装与防渗工程分别分包给专业性公司,并签订了分包合同。 施工合同中说明:建设工期278d,2012年9月1日开工,工程造价4357万元。合同约定结算方法;合同价款调整范围为业主认定的工程量增减、设计变更和洽商;安装配件、防渗工程的材料费调整依据为本地区工程造价管理部门公布的价格调整文件。 实施过程中,发生如下事件: 事件一:结构施工期间,总承包商经总监理工程师同意更换了原项目经理,组织管理一度失调,导致封顶时间延误8d。总承包商以总监理工程师同意为由,要求给予适当工期补偿。 事件二:监理工程师检查防渗工程,发现止水带安装不符合要求,记录并要求防渗公司整改。防渗公司整改后向监理工程师进行了口头汇报,监理工程师即签证认可。事后发现仍有部分有误,需进行返工。 事件三:在做基础处理时,经中间检查发现施工不符合设计要求,防渗公司也自认为难以达到合同规定的质量要求,就向监理工程师提出终止合同的书面申请。 事件四:在进行结算时,总承包商根据已标价的工程量清单,要求安装配件费用按发票价计取,业主认为应按合同条件中约定计取,为此发生争议。 [问题] 在事件一中,你认为总承包商是否可以得到工期补偿为什么
- [背景资料] 某退水闸为大(1)型工程,批复概算约3亿元,某招标代理机构组织了此次招标工作。在招标文件审查会上,专家甲、乙、丙、丁、戊分别提出了如下建议: 甲:为了防止投标人哄抬报价,建议招标文件规定投标报价超过标底5%的为废标。 乙:投标人资格应与工程规模相称,建议招标文件规定投标报价超过注册资本金5倍的为废标。 丙:开标是招标工作的重要环节,建议招标文件规定投标人的法定代表人或委托代理人不参加开标会的,招标人可宣布其弃权。 丁:招标由招标人负责,建议招标文件规定评标委员会主任由招标人代表担任,且评标委员会主任在投标人得分中所占权重为20%,其他成员合计占80%。, 戊:地方政府实施的征地移民工作进度难以控制,建议招标文件专用合同条款中规定,由于地方政府的原因未能及时提供施工现场的,招标人不承担违约责任。 招标文件完善后进行发售,在规定时间内,投标人递交了投标文件。其中,投标人甲在投标文件中提出将弃渣场清理项目进行分包,并承诺严格管理分包单位,不允许分包单位再次分包,且分包单位项目管理机构人员均由本单位人员担任。经过评标、定标、该投标人中标,与发包人签订了总承包合同,并与分包单位签订了弃渣场清理项目分包合同,约定单价12.88元/m3,相应的单价分析表如表1所示。 表1 单价分析表序号费用分析单位金额计价方法1直接工程费元B(1)+(2)+(3)(1)A元10.00①+②+③①人工费元2.00∑定额人工工时×D②材料费元5.00∑E×材料预算单价③机械使用费元3.00∑定额机械台时用量×F(2)其他直接费元0.20(1)×其他直接费费率(2%)(3)现场经费元0.60(1)×现场经费费率(6%)2间接费元C1×间接费费率(8%)3企业利润元0.82(1+2)×企业利润率(7%)4税金元0.40(1+2+3)×税率(3.22%)5工程单价元12.881+2+3+4 [问题] 专家甲、乙、丙、丁、戊中,哪些专家的建议不可采纳并说明理由。
- 小型除险加固项目法人验收时,质量监督机构应在收到核备(定)材料之日起______个工作日内完成核备(定)并反馈项目法人。
- 根据《水法》规定,禁止在河道管理范围内建设妨碍行洪的建筑物、构筑物以及从事影响河势稳定、危害河岸堤防安全和其他妨碍河道行洪的活动。上述内容属于______规定。
- 根据《关于加强小型病险水库除险加固项目验收管理的指导意见》(水建管[2013]178号),下列属于小型病险水库除险加固项目法人验收程序的是______。
- 下列属于承包人违法分包行为的有______。
- 小水电工程单位工程验收包括的主要内容是______。
- 下列属于施工间接成本的有______。
- 水利水电工程施工期基坑排水、灌浆工程施工废水可采用______处理。
- 水利工程建设实施阶段不得修改建设工程勘察、设计文件的有______。
- 混凝土坝竖缝分块浇块高度一般在______以内。
- 水泵按泵轴安装形式分为______。
- 土质堤防的构造与作用和土石坝类似,包括______。
- 根据水利部《水库大坝安全鉴定办法》规定,大坝安全鉴定包括______程序。
- 下列不属于水利工程常用泵站的是______。
- 根据《土坝坝体灌浆技术规范》SD 266—1988,灌浆施工前应做灌浆试验。选有代表性坝段,按灌浆设计进行______。
- 当钢筋构件设计是按强度控制时,可按______相等的原则进行钢筋替换。
- 招标人应对潜在投标人或者投标人进行资格审查。资格审查方式分为______。
- 下列不属于水电工程闸门按结构型式分类的是______。
- 下列不属于水利水电工程施工产生的固体废物的是______。
- 爆破法开挖露天石方时的基本工序是______。
- 多斗挖掘机是一种连续工作的挖掘机械,从构造上可以分为______。
- 在混凝土坍落度基本相同的条件下,能显著减少混凝土拌合水量的外加剂是______。
- 排水泵站承泄区水位变幅较大时,需要设______。
- 下列关于混凝土坝地基的开挖与清理的说法,错误的是______。
- 堤高超过______的背水坡宜设戗台,宽度不宜小于1.5m。
- 根据建设部《注册建造师执业管理办法(试行)》规定,二级注册建造师可担任______型工程施工项目负责人。
- 负责全国水利工程建设安全生产的监督管理工作的是______。
- “喜怒伤气”指情志内伤,伤及元气。
- 水利水电工程移民安置初验组织单位在接到初验申请之日起______个工作日内,决定是否同意进行移民安置初验。
- 《灵枢》较完整地论述了经络腧穴理论、刺灸方法和临床治疗等,对针灸医学作了比较系统的总结。
- 根据《水工混凝土施工规范》SDJ 207—1982规定,跨度为2m的悬臂板、梁应在混凝土达到设计强度的______后,才能拆除。
- 瘿病的治疗一般均以理气化痰、活血软坚、消瘿散结为主。
- 对体表病理现象的推理,是经络学说形成的依据之一。