- Neil_____that he broke the window, but Im sure he did.
- 世界上第一个著作权国家公约是____。
- 实用新型专利的保护期为10年()
- In my viewpoint, we should participate in physical labor so that we can_____ourselves with
- 发明人指______和______的创造人。
- 电影作品的著作权属于制片人()
- 专利是专利权的简称,与"专利权"具有相同的意思()
- Most of people develop bad reading habits during their childhood, and never get_____them.
- 我国商标管理制度是实行_统一注册____和___分级管理_______相结合的制度,设有专门的商标主管机关进行商标管理。
- 为什么说“津血同源”?在临床上有何指导意义?
- 根据《著作权法》的规定。出版者权是一种邻接权()
- 治疗水肿时,为什么采用益气利水法或行气利水法?
- 我国专利法规定授予专利权的发明和实用新型应当具备_____、____和____的条件。
- 临床治疗出血运用补气法的机理是什么?
- 卫气的生成、分布和功能如何?
- Jason failed one of the exams, but we should make_____for the fact that he had been ill for a year.
- 气的推动和固摄作用对血液的运行和津液的输布、排泄的影响是什么?
- 津与液的主要异同有哪些?
- 调理气血关系的原则方法是什么?
- 宗气的生成、分布和功能如何?
- 营气的生成、分布和功能如何?
- 血虚(名词解释)
- You will find it to your_____to learn some French before you visit Paris.
- 何谓气机?气的运动形式及其与脏腑关系如何?
- 人体的体温,需要气的()来维持。
- 津液对气的作用主要是指()。
- 津液代谢的维持以()三脏的生理功能起着主要的调节作用。
- From the_____it was clear that he was guilty, because he did appear on the scene.
- 血液不能在脉内循行而溢出脉外时,称为()。
- 安装在阀井内的管道上的自动排气阀,被污染了的地下水所浸泡,一旦管内失压或停水,自动排气阀就可能将()而造成管道水的污染。
- ()的协调平衡维持着血液的正常运行。
- Theyre calling_____all men and boys over the age of 14 to join the army when the country is on the verge of war.
- 人体气生成的基本条件是()。
- 离经之血(名词解释)
- 气(中医学之气)(名词解释)
- 气随津脱(名词解释)
- The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词)EXCEPT_____.
- 组织竞争是公务员避免“职业审美疲劳”的有效机制。组织竞争的具体内容应该从以下方面进行:()。<br>A以激励促竞争<br>B以培训促竞争<br>C以文化保持竞争的氛围<br>D以制度保证竞争的公正<br>E以回报促竞争
- 血液以()为主要物质基础。
- I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into_____when judging my examination.
- 恪尽职守,履行岗位职责的具体要求是()。<br>A忠于职守,爱岗敬业<br>B服从领导,服务人民<br>C敢于负责,勇于负责<br>D埋头工作,真抓实干<br>E讲究效率,务实高效
- Which of the following sentences does NOT express a presumption?
- If the captain ____more careful, his ship would not have been sunk.
- Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive?
- Which of the following phrases indicates a subject-predicate relationship?
- Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence?
- Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?
- All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPT_____.
- Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute(名词替代词)?
- 撕票单证可由机构自行决定印刷格式,无需上报总部审批()
- Which of the following sentences does NOT contain subjunctive mood?
- Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST?
- An old fashion has departed quite unregretted. The italicized part functions as a(n)______.
- Which of the following is a compound word(复合词)?
- A: Why, its eight oclock already. B: Im surprised at_____being so late.
- 平安交通意外伤害保险(161)责任为意外伤害身故与意外伤害残疾()
- Canadian police and【D1】______teams were working Tuesday afternoon to【D2】______about 300 people stranded after what a local official termed the most【D3】______ storm to hit the Ontario 【D4】______in 25 years. Some people had been【D5】______their vehicles for more than 24 hours following blinding snow that【D6】______ so high it made it almost impossible to open vehicle doors. Ontario Provincial Police【D7】______reported about 360 vehicles and about 300 people had been stranded near Sarnia, Ontario, on Highway 402—a major【D8】______ linking the US-Canada 【D9】______to London, Ontario. Some of those people have since been rescued, but Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley said it could be another 24 hours before everyone is taken to【D10】______.<br>【D1】
- 借款人意外伤害险可以附加意外医疗险()
- 《平安团体意外伤害保险条款》的未满期净保费计算公式为“保险费×(1-(保单已经过天数/保险期间天数))×(1-25%)()
- Try and______your tent on level ground.
- The young man has______some ingenious schemes to make handsome profits for the company.
- 绩效计划体系是以绩效目标为纽带形成的全面协同系统。()
- 教师授课能力,是教师课堂教学的基本操作能力。()
- 参与产品项目立项可行性调研,参与系统方案设计是产品结构工程师设计能力的一般要求之一。()
- Professor Smith and Professor Michael______in giving us lectures.
- I______my arm when I played basketball yesterday afternoon.
- Would you just______an eye over this letter before I put it in the post?
- No matter how successful we are now, we shouldnt get_____.
- The company had huge debts and was______bankruptcy.
- 简答新闻媒体的功能有哪些。