
- 设计师为一个有6万员工的工厂网络中心机房设计的设备方案是:数据库服务器选用高性能小型机,邮件服务器选用高性能小型机;边界路由器选用具有万兆模块和IPv6的高性能路由器,使用中国电信的1000Mbps出口接入到Internet;针对接入Internet方案,你的评价是()。
- 下列说法不正确的是 ( )。
- Word2010文档的默认扩展名是:
- 下列关于“格式刷”的说法,描述错误的是:
- 若在Word2010中要复制文本,操作步骤的第一步是:
- 将插入点定位于句子“疑是银河落九天”中的“银”与“河”之间,按一下Delete键,则该句子:
- 从网页中复制文字到Word中时,直接粘贴就可以去除网页中原有的格式:
- 在Word2010文档中,【页面布局】选项卡中能够设置文字方向.纸张方向:
- 在Word中只能使用Windows自带的字体,不能另外下载字体使用
- 段落格式中的“首行缩进”只对每一段的第一行有效
- 在Word中插入文字,使用Enter键可以起到分段作用:
- Word2010在输入文字过程中,插入光标从一行移动到下一行,则必须按Enter
- Tekknic Systems: Policies & ProceduresDesign MethodsAll new products and devices go through a standard design process:Identify a need in the market. Research any similar products from competitors. Identify flaws in the existing products.Present preliminary ( 1 ) and sketches to your creative team. Explain how the product will meet market demands.Conduct an in-depth feasibility study to determine the project’s likelihood for success. Estimate the cost and time required to ( 2 ) prototype models. (This applies to hardware devices only.) Identify the practical constraints of the project.Narrow ( 3 ) designs to the most feasible options. Eliminate any designs that are obviously not cost-effective.With the results of the feasibility study, produce some ( 4 ) designs. Identify potential problems in the designs and make changes as necessary.Assemble and test ( 5 ) or produce initial version of software. Adjust the design to ensure the product meets company criteria.Decide on the final design version. Verify the final designs with the creative team and superiors.
- 目前植物基因工程师已成功将萤火虫体内放光物质的基因转移到什么细胞中?()
- 便携式多功能健康定位可视数据采集系统机理论上可采集哪些信息?()
- 健康信息处理包括哪些?()
- 水泥熟料矿物品质识别仪的目标方向是什么?()
- 小型盾构机的主要用途?()
- 在火灾的发生与系统处理程序中,以下不属于探测阶段的是:( )。
- 火灾产生类型中,对于A类物质,通常在燃烧时,首先:( )。
- 发生气体着火时,由( )通知人员撤离。
- 联动系统和报警系统包括:( )。
- 气体灭火控制系统组成分为:( )。
- 男性,30岁,右侧胸外伤后,出现极度呼吸困难、发绀,胸壁皮下气肿,右侧肺叩诊呈鼓音,听诊呼吸音消失.首先考虑为( )
- 女性,20岁,胸外伤导致血气胸,行气胸闭式引流术,下列哪项不是拔管指证( )
- 男性,20岁,右侧胸壁刀刺伤2小时,进行性呼吸困难,发绀,休克.体检;BP 75/45mmHg,心率140次/分钟,组侧胸壁皮下气肿,胸廓饱满,呼吸音消失,叩诊鼓音.胸穿时,针芯被自动推出并有血性胸液.请分析:该案例的诊断是什么?(1)病人发生严重呼吸、循环功能紊乱的机制是什么?(2)应采取哪些急救措施?(3)病人可能出现哪些主要的护理诊断/问题?(4)该案例手术前后的护理目标是什么?
- 男性,27岁,10分钟前左上胸部被汽车撞伤.既往体健.体检:BP 80/50mmHg,脉搏148刺/分钟.神清合作,痛苦状,呼吸急促,吸氧下呼吸紧迫反而加重,半口唇青紫,精进满怒张不明显.气管移向右侧.做胸廓饱满,呼吸运动较右胸弱.左胸壁(第4、5、6肋处)有骨擦音、局部压痛明显,有皮下气肿,范围为上颈部、胸部下肢上腹部.左胸叩诊呈鼓音,呼吸音消失,心律齐,心率148/分钟,未闻及杂音.请分析:(1)该病例的诊断是什么?(2)该病例的处理原则是什么?(3)病人可能出现哪些护理诊断/护理问题?(4)该案例手术前后的护理目标是什么?(5)如何对该病人进行出院指导?
- 简述张力性气胸的临床表现及其主要并发症的预防和护理.
- 简述胸膜闭式引流病人的护理措施.
- 张力性气胸时首要的急救措施是( )
- 下列关于脑卒中的描述不正确的是( )
- 女性,50岁,发热﹑头痛﹑呕吐18天,左侧肢体无力6天,发病初有皮肤感染史。实验室检查:周围白细胞12.7×109/L,中性粒细胞比例0.76.为明确诊断必做的检查是( )
- 女性,32岁,头痛1年半,近2个月头痛加剧,伴有喷射状呕吐.烦躁后出现意识障碍,右侧瞳孔缩小,后又散大,光反应迟钝,左侧肢体运动障碍。呼吸加快.。CT示左顶叶肿瘤.首先选择的急救措施是( )
- 男性,4岁。右颞叶脑脓肿,用力大便后出现昏迷,右侧瞳孔直径5mm,对光反应消失,左侧上下肢无自主活动,最可能出现( )
- 女性,23岁,颅内动脉瘤,脑造影显示动脉瘤位于Willis环前部,此病人术前最重要的练习是( )
- The ___ in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain.
- Of the following practices, ___ did not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform.
- The Blair government was successful in all the following aspects EXCEPT ___.
- Britain has devoted about _____ of its land area to agriculture.
- Britain's important fishing areas include all the following EXCEPT _____.
- Coal mining industry in Britain provides _____ of the energy consumed in the country.
- The car industry in Britain is mostly _____.
- Of the following sectors in Britain, _____ has experienced spectacular growth since the end World War ll.
- Britain was the industrialized nation in the world.
- The British economy experienced a relative decline during the post-war period.
- Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic development in Britain after World War II.
- Thatcher's revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British economic and social problems.
- The economic approach adopted by Tony Blair was different from that of the old Labor Party and the Conservative Party.
- Blair made the Bank of England independent in order to separate politics from economic policy.
- Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry has a long history.
- Nuclear power is one of the major energy sources in Britain.
- What was the negative aspect of Thatcher's reform in the early 1980s?
- What are the characteristics of Britain's agriculture?
- What happened to Britain’s beef industry in the mid-1990s?
- What were the major causes of Britain's relative economic decline in the post-war period?
- Why do developed nations like Britain encourage the development of the service industry?
- 中国特色社会主义法治道路一个鲜明特点,就是始终坚持依法治国和( )相结合。
- 历史和现实充分证明,只有坚中国特色社会主义法治道路,才能建设社会主义( )为全面建设社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴提供有力法治保障。
- 只有始终坚持( )才能真正实现法治保障人民权益的根本目的。
- 践行法治必须把社会( )这一法治价值追求贯彻到立法、执法、司法、守法的全过程和各方面。