- The long year of food shortage in this country have suddenly given way to apparent abundance. Stores and shops are choked with food. Rationing(定量供应) is virtually suspended, and overseas suppliers have been asked to hold back deliveries. Yet, instead of joy, there is widespread uneasiness arid confusion. Why do food prices keep on rising, when there seems to be so much more food about Is the abundance only temporary, or has it come to stay Does it mean that we need to think less now about producing more food at home No one knows what to expect. The recent growth of export-surpluses on the world food market has certainly been unexpectedly great, partly because a strange sequence of two successful grain harvests in North America is now being followed by a third. Most of Britain"s overseas suppliers of meat, too, are offering more this and home production has also risen. But the effect of all this on the food situation in this country has been made worse by a simultaneous rise in food prices, due chiefly to the gradual cutting down of government support for food. The shops are overstocked with food not only because there is more food available, but also because people, frightened by high prices, are buying less of it. Moreover, the rise in domestic prices has come at a time when world prices have begun to fall, with the result that imported food, with the exception of grain, is often cheaper than the home -produced variety. And now grain prices too are falling. Consumers are beginning to ask why they should not be enabled to benefit from this trend. The significance of these developments is not lost on farmers. The older generation have seen it all happen before. Despite the present price and market guarantees, farmers fear they are about to be squeezed between cheap food imports and a shrinking home market. Present production is running at 51 percent above pre-war levels, and the government has called for an expansion to 60 percent by 1956; but repeated ministerial advice is carrying little weight and the expansion program is not working very well. Why does the author mention "there is wide-spread uneasiness and confusion"(Para. 1)______
- The use of nuclear power has already spread all over the world. (1)_____, scientists still have not agreed with what should be done with the large (2)_____ of waste materials that (3)_____ to increase every year. Most waste materials (4)_____ of simply by placing them somewhere. But nuclear waste must be (5)_____ with great care. It (6)_____ dangerous radiation and it will continue to be (7)_____ for hundreds of thousands, even millions of years. How should we get (8)_____ of such waste material in such a way (9)_____ it will not harm the (10)_____ Where can we (11)_____ distribute it One idea is to put this radioactive waste inside a thick container, which is (12)_____ dropped to the deep bottom of the ocean. (13)_____ some scientists believe that this way of (14)_____ nuclear waste could kill fish and other living things in the oceans or interfere (15)_____ their growth. Another way to (16)_____ nuclear waste is to send it into space, to the sun, (17)_____ it would be burned. Other scientists suggest that this polluting material be (18)_____ thousands of meters under the earth"s surface. Such underground areas must be free (19)_____ possible earthquakes, and advances are being made. But it may still be many years (20)_____ this problem could be finally settled.
- 属于中药十九畏的中成药联用情况是
- The use of nuclear power has already spread all over the world. (1)_____, scientists still have not agreed with what should be done with the large (2)_____ of waste materials that (3)_____ to increase every year. Most waste materials (4)_____ of simply by placing them somewhere. But nuclear waste must be (5)_____ with great care. It (6)_____ dangerous radiation and it will continue to be (7)_____ for hundreds of thousands, even millions of years. How should we get (8)_____ of such waste material in such a way (9)_____ it will not harm the (10)_____ Where can we (11)_____ distribute it One idea is to put this radioactive waste inside a thick container, which is (12)_____ dropped to the deep bottom of the ocean. (13)_____ some scientists believe that this way of (14)_____ nuclear waste could kill fish and other living things in the oceans or interfere (15)_____ their growth. Another way to (16)_____ nuclear waste is to send it into space, to the sun, (17)_____ it would be burned. Other scientists suggest that this polluting material be (18)_____ thousands of meters under the earth"s surface. Such underground areas must be free (19)_____ possible earthquakes, and advances are being made. But it may still be many years (20)_____ this problem could be finally settled.
- 选购使用水银体温计时应
- 用于痰浊阻肺,胃失和降,咳嗽,呕逆等的是
- 不宜与狼毒同用的是
- 用于外感风热所致的咳嗽,具有发热,恶寒,胸闷,咳嗽咽痛等的是
- 肝功能者者忌用
- 不宜与丁香同用的是
- 用于风寒暑表,肺气不宜所致的感冒咳嗽
- 用于外感风寒,痰湿阻肺所致的咳嗽,气喘,痰延壅盛,急慢支等的是
- 不宜与丹参同用的是
- 麻疹已透阴虚火旺者忌用
- 用于脾虚痰盛,肾气不固所致的咳嗽,痰多,喘息促,动则加剧等的是
- 不宜与巴豆同用的是
- 湿盛胀满水肿者忌用
- 转继承,是指继承人在继承开始后遗产分割前死亡的,其有权继承的遗产转由其法定继承人(包括配偶、子女、父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母和外祖父母)继承的制度。 下列属于转继承的是______。
- 规范,是指人们在特定环境下被要求如何行动、如何思维、如何体验的期望,是一种相对固定的行为表现。 根据以上的定义,下面行为体现了规范的是______。
- 个人所得税纳税主体是指在中国境内有固定住所或者无固定住所而在境内居住满一年,从中国境内和境外取得所得的个人;在中国境内无固定住所又不居住或者无固定住所而在境内居住不满一年,从中国境内取得所得的个人。 下列不必交个人所得税的一项是______。
- 睑板腺囊肿好发于哪些人群患者有哪些明显症状
- 内睑腺炎病因、临床表现是什么
- 为什么眦部睑缘炎好发于外眦角部位甩0.5%硫酸锌滴眼液如何治疗为什么有效
- 鳞屑性睑缘炎治疗关键是什么哪些措施可有效预防复发
- 什么是睑缘炎临床常见哪几种类型
- 哪些因素易诱发鳞屑性睑缘炎有哪些典型病变
- 鳞屑性睑缘炎、溃疡性睑缘炎和眦部睑缘炎各有何特点
- 心身疾病,是指心理社会因素为主要原因或诱因参与发病的躯体疾病。 根据上述定义,下列属于心身疾病的是______。
- 什么是睑板腺囊肿
- 乘人之危,是指行为人利用对方当事人的急迫需要或危难处境,迫使其作出违背本意而接受对其非常不利的条件的意思表示。 根据上述定义,下列情形中不属于乘人之危的是______。
- 洁癖:强迫症的一种,即把正常卫生范围内的事物认为是肮脏的,感到焦虑,强迫性地清洗、检查及排斥“不洁”之物。 下列不属于洁癖的是______。
- 提供虚假财会报告罪,是指公司向股东和社会公众提供虚假的或者隐瞒重要事实的财务会计报告,严重损害股东或者其他人利益的行为。 以下选项符合提供虚假财会报告罪的是______。
- 眦部睑缘炎是如何形成的哪些部位易并发眦部睑缘炎
- 溃疡性睑缘炎有哪些治疗要点长期不愈者如何处理
- (1994年)设f(χ)在[0,1]上连续且递减,证明:当0<λ<1时,∫0λf(χ)dχ≥λ∫01f(χ)dχ.
- (1997年)设F(χ)=∫χχ+2χesintsintdt,则F(χ) 【 】
- (2002年)设函数f(χ)连续,则下列函数中,必为偶函数的是 【 】
- (1999年)设f(χ)是连续函数,F(χ)是,(χ)的原函数,则 【 】
- 设α1=(1,2,0)T,α2=(-1,0,2)T分别是3阶矩阵A属于特征值-1,1的特征向量,记β=(-2,-2,2)T,则Aβ=______.
- 设随机变量X和Y相互独立同分布,其分布函数和概率密度分别为F(x)和f(x),则随机变量Z=min{X,Y)的概率密度为
- 诬告陷害罪,是指以陷害他人受刑事处分为目的,捏造事实,伪造证据,向有关机关虚假告发的行为。 根据上述定义,下列行为不属于诬告陷害罪的是______。
- 简述南北桥结构芯片组中北桥芯片与南桥芯片的功能。
- Flash memory是一种非挥发性的存储器,是______
- 说明简单接口芯片与可编程接口芯片的区别。
- 在寻址方式中我们经常会提到有效地址EA的概念。请说出有效地址与物理地址的区别和联系。
- 在微机系统的发展史中,主流微机系统通常采用三种总线标准,这三种总线分别是ISA总线、______总线和______总线。
- 异步收发器UART进行校验的差错有______
- 在点阵式打印机中普遍采用的是Centronics并行标准,该标准规定了一个36引脚的连接口,在应用中,最主要的是8位并行数据线,2条______信号线STB,ACK和1条忙信号线______。
- 8086CPU有两条中断请求线:可屏蔽中断线INTR和不可屏蔽中断线NMI,INTR采用______触发,NMI采用______触发。
- 要实现寄存器AX与CF标志同时清零,可以使用指令______,或者______。
- 若输入电压满刻度值为2V,则8位ADC的分辨率约为______
- 已知中断类型码为16H,则其中断服务程序的入口地址存放在中断向量表的______
- 某一8253通道,CLK输入频率1000Hz,工作于方式3(方波方式),写入的计数初值为16H,且采用BCD计数方式,则一个周期内输出信号的高电平和低电平分别为______
- 当涉及一个存储器操作数(除以BP为地址寄存器外)时,若选择一个段寄存器为段基值则该段寄存器应是______
- 在串行异步通信中,决定每一位数据传送所需要时间(位时间)的是______
- 在接口电路设计中对输入输出端口的基本要求是______
- 大规模定制:根据客户的个性化需求,以大批量生产的低成本、高质量和效率等特点提供定制产品和服务的生产方式。 根据定义,以下属于大规模定制的是______。
- 目前PC机都带有USB接口,USB是一种______
- 已知寄存器AX和BX中存储的都是带符号数,执行指令CMP AX,BX后,如果希望AX>BX时跳转,应该使用指令______
- 若某半导体存储器芯片的存储容量为IK×4位,则该芯片______
- 当8086CPU执行加法操作后,累加器AX的内容为E048H,则标志位SF、PF应为______
- 下面指令中,语法错误的有______
- 在串行数据通信发送端安装MODEM是为了______
- 在异步串行通信中引入了“波特率因子”的概念。波特率因子为16,64时,接收时钟的频率为波特率的16,64倍,引入波特率因子的目的是______
- 下面属于堆栈段寄存器的是______
- 下面指令中,操作数只能是字,不能是字节的是______
- 下面数据定义语句中,错误的是______
- 微机中控制总线所传送的是______
- 依据《规划环境影响评价条例》,审查小组提出的对规划环境影响报告书的审查意见应当包括______。