If compiled with a STANDARD C COMPILER (e.g. gcc), which is correct about the following function “add”? [ ]double add(int , int , int k) {<br>return (double) (8+k);<br>}<br>int main(){<br>int x=1, y=2If compiled with a STANDARD C COMPILER (e.g. gcc), which is correct about the following function “add”? [ ]double add(int , int , int k) {<br>return (double) (8+k);<br>}<br>int main(){<br>int x=1, y=2
A. Compile error. After filling in the name of the formal parameters, the program can be compiled without errors;
B. Compile error. After changing “int k” to “double k”, the program can be compiled without errors;
Compile error. After changing ” return (double) (8+k);” to “return 8+k”, the program can be compiled without errors;
D. Compile success