A. The Rainbow B. Women in Love C. Lady Chatterley's Lover D. The Secret Agent
A. Sons and Lovers B. The White Peacock C. The Rainbow D. The Trespasser
A. William Butler Yeats B. John Galsworthy C. James Joyce D. George Bernard Shaw
A. Dubliners B. Portrait of a Lady C. Picture of Dorian Gray D. To the Lighthouse
A. Dublin B. Italy C. London D. Scotland
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. Ulysses C. Dubliners D. Finnegan's Wake
A. Ulysses B. Finnegan's Wake C. The Rainbow D. The Waves
A. Things Fall Apart B. Flaubert’s Parrot C. Midnight’s Children D. Brideshead Revisited
A. Martin Amis B. William Golding C. V.Naipaul D. Ian McEwan
A. Rites of Passage B. Close Quarters C. Fire Down Below D. The Scorpion God