A. 圆形截面
B. 正方形截面
C. 高矩形截面
D. 扁矩形截面
A. 大型的探测报警系统包括火灾探测器和报警控制器,还与自动灭火和烟气控制系统等联动
B. 某一相对独立的建筑物或建筑群可设一台中央报警控制器,每台中央报警控制器可管理若干个区域报警器
C. 每个区域报警器控制器监控一个报警控制区,这一监控区域可以是两个或两个以上的防火分区
D. 当探测到的信号超过某一预设定的阀值,即认为发生了火灾,然后将火灾信号转换为可看见的或可听到的光声信号,向人们发出火灾警告
A. alike
B. similar
C. related
D. relevant
A. 观察子宫底高度
B. 观察血压与脉搏
C. 注意尿量
D. 禁止按摩子宫
E. 观察产后出血量
听力原文: Japanese-style. conversations develop quite differently from Western-style. conversations. A Western-style. conversation between two people is like a game of tennis. If I introduce a topic, a conversational hall, I expect you to hit it back. If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and do nothing more. I expect you to add something--a reason for agreeing, or another example to carry the idea further. I am just happy if you question me, or completely disagree with me. Whether you agree or disagree, your response will return the ball to me.
A Japanese-style. conversation, however, is like bowling. You wait for your turn. And you always know your place in line. It depends on such things as whether you are older or younger, a close friend or a stranger to the previous speaker, in a senior or junior position, and so on. When your turn comes, you step up to the starting line with your bowling ball and carefully bowl it. Everyone else stands back and watch politely, giving encouragement. Then, after everyone is sure that you have completely finished your turn, the next person in line steps up to the same starting line, with a different ball. Your ball is not returned.
What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Indoor sports.
B. Cultural expectations,
Conversation skills.
D. Japanese psychology.