A. 正确
B. 错误
开机启动扫描仪时出现SCSI Card Not Found,因为SCSI卡上设置了保险丝,当遇到不良电路状况(电压不稳或短路等)会自动断开,待线路良好或测得温度降低后会自动连接。
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 阳跷郄穴
B. 足少阳胆经郄穴
C. 阴维郄穴
D. 手阳明大肠经郄穴
E. 足厥阴肝经郄穴
The deck control valve to be()after being repaired.
A. moved and fitted again
B. removed and refitted
C. reproduced and put on again
D. returned and attached agai