

A. 青霉素肌内注射
B. 新砷凡纳明(914)或四环素类药静脉注射
C. 土霉素或四环素内服
D. 屠宰所有病牛及与病牛相接触的牛
E. 新砷凡纳明口腔涂擦



A. 大肠埃希菌肠炎
B. 沙门菌肠炎
C. 01群霍乱
D. 0139群霍乱
E. 其他弧菌性感染
F. 细菌性痢疾
G. 食物中毒

上海某大学教师李某在国内有住所一处。1988年辞职到日本留学。其间在日本又有住所一处。1990年完成学业,即将回国。回国前夕,李某在大坂市骑车上班途中,被疾驶的小汽车撞倒,经抢救无效死亡。李某的妻子王某以全权代理人的身份在李某大哥的陪同下到日本料理后事。经协商,日本方面赔偿70多万元人民币。 为遗产分配一事,王某与李某的家人发生争执,协商未果。李某的家人以王某及王某6岁的女儿为被告,诉至法院。本案应以哪国法律为准据法,为什么?

You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional network that has 1500 Windows 2000 Professional computers. Microsoft Office 2000 was installed to all the computers over the network by using Group Policy Object. You deploy an Office 2000 service release to all the Windows 2000 Professional computers on the network. The service release in addition to other software that had been assigned fails to install on only one of the computer. What should you do?()

A. Re-deploy the service release by using a .ZAP file.
B. Re-deploy the service release by using a .MST file.
C. Restart windows installer on the domain controller.
D. Restart windows installer on the computer that failed to install the service release.
E. Restart Windows installer and use an .MSP file.&e

