You are creating a client application and configuring it to call a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.When the application is deployed, it will be configured to send all messages to a WCF routing service. You need to ensure that the application can consume the target service after the application is deployed. What should you do?()
A. In the client application, add a service reference to the router service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the router service.
B. In the client application, add a service reference to the target service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the target service.
C. In the client application, add a service reference to the router service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the target service.
D. In the client application, add a service reference to the target service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the router service.
A. 多个液平面
B. 气胀肠袢
C. 膈下游离气体
D. 一侧肾广泛钙化
E. 一侧输尿管结石
A. 颅底恶性肿瘤
B. 桥小脑角胆脂瘤
C. 三叉神经鞘瘤
D. 颅底蛛网膜炎
E. 动脉瘤
F. 带状疱疹后神经痛
A. 布洛芬
B. 舒马曲普坦
C. 曲马多
D. 双氢麦角胺
E. 维拉帕米