十进制数127的原码为( ),反码为( ),补码为( )。(用八位二进制数表示,中间不要有空格)
A. 对
B. 错
Sentence PatternsTry to translate the following sentences with 5 sentence patterns. After having completed the exercise, don't forget to refer to the video to check your answers.Pattern 1"... Sergeant Ryan Russell, a 35-year-old 'good man and good cop', who believed deeply in his commitment to protectand serve"(Para. 6).Xbelieves deeply in its commitment to(do)Y.;坚守...信仰/承诺/奉献[应用提示]表达责任意识翻译:教育工作者应当坚守教书育人的信仰。(意群提示 impart knowledge and educate people)Pattern 2"He tried to stop a drunk driver in a stolen snowplow with only his police automobile and his goodwill to help others."(Para. 6)X does Y with/through/by/from only/nothing but Z.仅凭借...[应用提示] 对事物相关属性的认定翻译:我们不应以一时的成败论英雄。(意群提示 temporary performance)Pattern 3The text is that "he made the choice not to be bitter, and worked hardas South Africa's first black president to establish harmony and helped society reconcile its conflicted past."(para. 7)X makes the choice not to do Y, and does Z.;没有选择做...而选择做...[应用提示]阐述行为抉择1.翻译:他没有为自己辩解,而是用行动来证明自己的能力。(意群提示 defend oneself in words/actions)2.翻译:面对失败,他选择不放弃努力,而且将其转化为成功的助推剂。(意群提示 in face of/fuel of success)Pattern 4..., some people raise this question when they try to make sense of a tragedy likeSgt.Russell's:"... Do these people they actually make happen?"(Para. 9)X raises this question when X tries to make sense of Y, "~?",试图理解.时,提出这一问题:"~?";[应用提示]阐述对事物的困惑翻译:人们在试图解读顶尖成就者时,提出这一问题:“他们成功的秘方是什么?”(意群提示 make sense of the top achievers/secret formula)Pattern 5"we count on first responders to rush toward danger, ...,” (Para. 12).X counts on Y to do Z.期待/指望...做...[应用提示]表达一种期望1.翻译:我们期待以勤劳和智慧来创造更加美好的生活。(意群提示 diligence)2.翻译:大学里我们要学会独立,因为我们不能总指望父母和老师替我们决定一切。
货运机车连挂后,安装列尾主机后,建立列尾“( )”关系。