About the tryosine kinase receptor, which statement is not correct()
A. It is the transmembrane glycoprotein
B. Its cytoplasmic part has the G protein binding region
C. Its C-terminal region contains tyrosine with tyrosine protein kinase (TPK) activity
D. Its tyrosine protein kinase (TPK) can phosphorylate the tagert protein
Which is not the chemical component of microtubule()
A. a-tubulin
B. β-tubulin
C. histone
D. microtubule associated proteins(MAP)
Which description is not correct about the IF()
A. The diameter of IF is between microtubule and microfilament
B. IF is not so stable as microtubule and microfilament
C. IF is the most complex component in cytoskeleton
D. The rod-shape region of IF is compsed of alpha helix of about 310 amino acids
Which is not correct about the G protein()
A. It can bind GTP or GDP
B. It is made up of α、βand γsubunits
C. G protein has the GTPase activity
D. G protein is active when the 3 subunits bind together
About the membrane signal receptors, which statment is not correct()
A. They can recognize the extracellular signal molecules
B. They can bind to the signal molecules and intitate the cellular responses
C. All membrane receptors are transmembrane glycoproteins
D. There are several different types of membrane receptors in the same cell membrane