
Then, too, today we find interesting pairs of words such ascowandbeef, sheepandmutton, calfandveal,andpigandporkin which the first item, the name of the animal, is Germanic in()(originate)and the second item, the meat of the animal, is a borrowing from French.


Perhaps the occurrence of such pairs reflects a society in which the()(conquest)Englishman raised the animals for the table of the conquering Norman.

The borrowings from French do not show much, if any, cultural()(superior )in the invaders.

Although the Normans were()(conquer V.), they eventually gave up their French to become speakers of English, just as their ancestors had eventually given up their Germanic language when they invaded France.

From()(vary)Indian languages have come words for once exotic dress items likebandanna, sari, bangle,andpajamas.
