它取材简单,只要两根小细棒。大多用竹或木头制成,却巧妙地运用了杠杆原理,可以轻松对付各种食物。They’re made of single material with two ____. They're ____ wood or bamboo and use the ____ to _____.
和西方的刀叉一样,使用筷子同样讲究餐桌礼仪。中国人使用筷子至少有3000年的历史。____ are important when using chopsticks just like using forks and knives in the West. Chinese have used kuai zi for _____ 3,000 years.
它还传播到日本、韩国等亚洲国家。筷子取材于自然,追求简约。它体现中国人的一种生活智慧。They have been ____ Asian countries like Japan and South Korea. The materials ____. They ____ of the Chinese.
传说古时,有位穷书生在之上随手写下了一个福字,妻子把它撕了出来。这就是剪纸的起源。剪纸常常是评价女人手巧的标准之一。Long, long ago there was a poor scholar who ____ ‘fu’ or ‘happiness’ on paper and his wife ____. This is the ____ paper cutting (jian zhi). The jian zhi craft is considered to be ____ to ____ a smart woman.
人们认为,剪纸好的女人聪明。剪纸的图案内容大多来源于普通生活。剪纸的技巧一是在剪,二是在刻。讲究镂空People think a woman who is good at making delicate jian zhi is a smart. Jian zhi ____.____ are two skills used to make jian zhi. _____ are important for jian zhi designs.