A student is afraid of his teacher, so he is mostly deficiency in ( ) according to Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy.
A. cognitive need
B. self-esteem need
C. belonging and love need
D. self-actualization
If someone contributes his defeat to less hard work, this contribution is ( ).
A. intrinsic and stable contribution
B. extrinsic and instable contribution
C. extrinsic and stable contribution
D. intrinsic and instable contribution
( ) belongs to intrinsic motivation.
A. Cognitive Drive
B. Self-enhancement Drive
C. Affilicated Drive
D. Social Drive
According to Atkinson’s theories, ( )didn’t belong to the characteristics of the people who has high achievement motivation.
A. Moderate difficult task is challengeable, which will elicit them to devote themselves to success.
B. definite purpose and ambitiousness for success.
C. fund of energy, fresh inquiry into the difference, and pioneering spirit.
D. to choose the working partner according to relationship in social interaction.
If someone believes that the things is decided by the factors outside oneself, so we can presume his locus of control is ( ).
A. internal locus of control
B. external locus of control
C. left locus of control
D. right locus of control