9. It boasts a Himalayan menu combining traditional Tibetan favorites with a fusion of flavors from India, Kashmir, Nepal and western China, a teahouse, a spa and retail space for the produce of the Shambhala Foundation's culturally sustainable micro-enterprises.
A. joining
B. change
C. blending
D. confusion
10. Ninety percent of visitors to Lhasa are domestic travelers eager to see a part of their country that was inaccessible to most Chinese citizens for decades.
A. impossible to reach
B. expensive
C. unimaginable
D. unapproachable
A. 《春秋》是现存最早的一部编年体史书。相传为孔子依据鲁国史官所编的《春秋》加以整理修订而成的。
B. 《左传》是中国第一部较为完备的编年体史书,原名《左氏春秋》。
C. 《左传》是研究先秦历史和春秋时期历史的重要文献,它代表了先秦史学的最高成就。
D. 作为编年史,《左传》的情节结构主要是按地点顺序交代事情发生、发展和结果。
( )是现存最早的一部编年体史书。
A. 《春秋》
B. 《左传》
C. 《礼记》
D. 《国语》
A. 对
B. 错