Conversation Two (Questions 5-8)• Look at the notes below.• You will hear a man telephoning a bank about a problem with an account.HPRBANKCUSTOMER SERVICES DIVISIONCUSTOMER: George Bliss, (5) ...................... Director of Arundel HoldingsACCOUNT NUMBER: (6) ................................PROBLEM: No record in his office of a (7) ................................ £15,000 on June 10th.Also, can't be one of their (8) .................................- they all begin with 50. Want us to investigate.
Conversation Three (Questions 9-12)• Look at the note below.• You will hear a woman calling about a conference booking.Janet Shibuya (Conference Reservation Service) called about (9) ............................................................... Seminar, 24th April,Has made booking at the (10) ............................................................ Hotel.Do we want the (11) ............................. lunch - it's cheaper.Send list of (12) ................................................................ needed by Friday.
A. 大蓟
B. 花蕊石
C. 三七
D. 艾叶
E. 棕榈
A. 活血通经
B. 祛瘀止痛
C. 凉血解毒
D. 消肿生肌
E. 续筋接骨
A. 活血祛瘀
B. 利水消肿
C. 清热解毒
D. 除烦安神
E. 续筋接骨