A. 手柄加长的叉、匙 B. 手柄加粗的叉、匙 C. 带负压吸盘的碗 D. 有“C”把的杯子 E. 有“T”形把的杯子
A. 关节挛缩 B. 痉挛 C. 腕管综合征 D. 网球肘 E. “妈妈”手
A. 支撑腿屈膝 B. 踢腿屈膝、勾脚 C. 上体弓背或后仰
A. Because the products are in urgent need by their clients. Because there is no liner scheduled in April. C. Because the products will be shipped to another port. D. Because April is the selling season for the products.