

A. 谷氨酸脱氢酶催化的反应是可逆的
B. 转氨酶催化的反应能导致氨基的净脱去
C. 大多数转氨酶优先利用α-酮戊二酸作为氨基的受体
D. 联合脱氨基作用是哺乳动物主要的脱氨基方式


According to the passage,

A. Mr. Saint Laurent first showed his talent for fashion in 1958 when he worked for Dior.
B. the superlatives having been lavished on Mr. Saint Laurent were meant to exaggerations.
C. Mr. Saint Laurent was not free from physical and emotional sufferings in his life.
D. Mr. Saint Laurent managed to build up his own brand name all by himself in 1961.

According to the passage, Dubai has built a new financial center

A. because of its innate advantages over other countries.
B. thanks to the $2 trillion-plus investment from the Gulf.
C. from its past tradition as a trade center in the Gulf.
D. for it's a war-torn and isolated region in the world.


A. 12.14
B. 13.18
C. 11.13
D. 12.17


A. 准备在7月11日达到60亿
B. 人口控制没有起作用
C. 人类已经不用担心人口过多问题
D. 人口有效控制的问题仍是世界关注的问题
