() 3. Eun Suk wouldn’t do the job if his parentswere rich.
() 4. Simon got his first job in an office at the ageof 18.
A. 对
B. 错
() 5. The boss of Simon’s first company promotedhim as a manager.
A. 对
B. 错
下列各项中,( )属于将库存现金存入银行,登记银行存款日记账依据。
A. 库存现金收款凭证
B. 库存现金付款凭证
C. 银行存款收款凭证
D. 银行存款付款凭证
继电保护装置在切除电力系统的故障元件时所具备的基本特性,未作要求的是( )。
A. 自动
B. 智能
C. 迅速
D. 有选择性