According to the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China (2004 Revision)In exercising the right of recourse, the holder may request the person against whom recourse is exercised to pay the following amounts and expenses:
A. The amount of the bill of exchange dishonored
B. The interest calculated at the rate stipulated by the People's Bank of China on the amount of a bill of exchange from the maturity date or the date of presentation for payment to the date of liquidation.
C. The expenses incurred in obtaining the related proof of dishonor and the notification.
D. Tea Charge
狭义的票据行为指当事人( )因而产生一定权利义务的要式法律行为,或者说以( )为目的而为的要式法律行为。
狭义的票据行为指当事人签名于票据上因而产生一定权利义务的要式法律行为,或者说以负担票据债务为目的而为的要式法律行为,包括( )、( )、( )、( )、参加承兑等行为。
广义的票据行为是指以( )、( )、( )票据权利义务关系为目的的法律行为。
广义的票据行为是指以产生、变更、消灭票据权利义务关系为目的的法律行为。除了狭义票据行为外,还有( )、参加付款、( )、退票等行为。