What cannot be inferred from the dialogue?[音频]
A. The young man and the young woman are schoolmates.
B. The young man and the young woman met for the first time.
C. The young woman is better at remembering names than the young man.
D. The young woman is having a class in the morning.
Passage:[音频]Bowing is the traditional 1) in some Asian countries like Korea and Japan. When 2)friends meet in Russia, both men and women hug each other. Shaking hands is common in many countries. But it isn't 3) done the same way. In many 4), people also shake hands. But they do it differently from the way they do in the U.S. and Canada. Many people in Mexico and in Egypt 5). And their handshakes usually 6) a little longer but are softer.
晴隆是( )最为严重的区域之一。
A. 养殖
B. 石漠化
C. 水体污染
D. 环境破坏
1.下列类型的农业生产模式不属于生态农业范畴的是( )
A. 养鱼塘的分层养
B. 农田的间作套种
C. 海洋的网箱养殖
D. 稻田养鱼或养鸭
3.下列哪个属于“晴隆生态农业模式”?( )
A. 种草养羊
B. 稻田养鱼养鸭
C. 水塘拆网拆箱养鱼
D. 以上都不是