
同队的两名(或三名)队员同时触到球时,被记为两次(或三次) 击球(拦网除外)。如果只有其中一名队员触球,则只记一次。 队员之间的碰撞不算犯规。

A. 对
B. 错


每局比赛中,每队最多请求两次暂停和 4 人次(四人制)或 5 人次(五人制)换人,所换队员不受位置限制。

A. 对
B. 错

Analyze the following code.int x = 1;while (0 < x) && (x < 100)System.out.println(x++);

A. The code does not compile because (0 < x) && (x < 100) is not enclosed in a pair of parentheses.
B. The numbers 2 to 100 are displayeD.
C. The code does not compile because the loop body is not in the braces.
D. The numbers 1 to 99 are displayeD.

What is the output of the following fragment?int i = 1;int j = 1;while (i < 5) {i++;j = j * 2;} System.out.println(j);

A. 64
B. 32
C. 16
D. 8

How many times will the following code print "Welcome to Java"?int count = 0;while (count++ < 10) {System.out.println("Welcome to Java");}

A. 9
B. 0
C. 10
D. 11
