A lot of great works in Chinese history, like《史记》in literature,《齐民要术》in agriculture were formed _______.
A. deductively
B. inductively
C. tortuously
D. intuitionally
A Chinese painting can be a synthesis of different art forms, including ______.
A. calligraphy
B. painting
C. stamps
D. poetry
Chinese character is a combination of ___________.
A. shape
B. sound
C. meaning
D. drawing
Substantial differences both in Chinese and English discourse include_______.
A. the Chinese discourse develops in the way of “Spiral”
B. the Chinese discourse develops in the way of “syntheti
C. the English discourse focuses more on the process of analysis
D. the English discourse develops in the way of anticlimax
The ancient Roman or Chinese philosophy respectively played a vital role in the formation of different thinking patterns in the east and west.
A. 对
B. 错