Some argumentsabouteuthanasiaare:
A. Do euthanasia & PAS violate the Hippocratic Oath and other medical ethical Codes?
B. Is a physician ever obligated to help a patient die?
Can we allow children to have euthanasia?
Does active euthanasia or PAS act against the professional requirements of a doctor?
The end of life decision-making is affected by:
A. patients' and families' views of death
B. health professionals' views of death
C. whether to regard human life as an absolute/highest value
D. how to consider the right to die & refuse treatment
Who may make end of life decisions?
A. Patients
B. Surrogates
C. Family members
D. Attending and other physicians
Ethical considerations about end of life decisions include:
A. Tell whom about the patient's condition and how to tell?
B. Where should the patient spend his/her last time?
C. What is know as "treatment limitation" and the decision about "treatment limitation"?
D. The patient's age, spiritual needs, values , wishes, etc.
A. patients' capacity to make a decision
B. surrogates' capacity to make a decision
C. the meaning of the duty to care by family members
D. whether regard quality of life as a priority