根据支付结算法律制度的规定,下列关于支票的表述中,正确的有( )
A. 支票的基本当事人包括出票人、付款人、收款人
B. 支票的付款人是出票人的开户银行
C. 支票的金额和收款人名称可以由出票人授权补记
D. 出票人不得在支票上记载自己为收款人
A. 王老汉应自出票日起10日内向银行提示付款
B. 王老汉只能在生日当天向银行提示付款
C. 王老汉向银行提示付款时应在支票背面收款人处签章
D. 王老汉向银行提示付款时应交验本人身份证
In the words maps, dogs, and watches, each of /s/, /z/, /iz/ is a(an)_____ of the plural form.
A. allomorph
B. allophone
C. similar phoneme
D. counter phoneme
The word ______ is not a compound.
A. sunflower
B. friendship
C. moonwalk
D. raincoat
Which two terms can best describethe following pairs of words: table---tables; day break---daybreak?
A. Inflection and compound
B. Compound and derivation
C. Inflection and derivation