

A. 金属在弹性区内加载卸载时,由于应变落后于应力
B. 加载时消耗于金属的变形功大于卸载时金属放出的变形功
C. 有一部分变形功为金属所吸收,这部分吸收的功就称为金属的内耗
D. 加载线与卸载线不重合而形成一封闭回线


Use the cppreference.com to see which is the data type of the return value of “sin()”?

A. float
B. double
C. int
D. long

Use the cppreference.com to see which is the data type of the return value of “isspace()”?

A. float
B. double
C. int
D. long

The expression “1 + (int)rand() % 52” can get the random numbers in the range of ( ).

A. 1 to 100.
B. 1 to 52.
C. 1 to 50.
D. 1 to 51.

Before using the functions available in the system library, the programmer must know ( ).

A. The name of the function.
B. The arguments required by the function.
C. The data type of the returned value of the function.
D. A description of what each function does.
E. The header file where the prototype of the function is contained.
