A. break和continue语句都可以出现在switch语句中
B. 在循环语句和switch语句之外,允许出现break和continue语句
C. 执行循环语句中的break和continue语句都将终止循环
D. break和continue语句都可以出现在循环语句的循环体中
A. break语句是中断当前循环,继续下一次循环
B. break语句是使当前循环休息一会儿后继续执行循环
C. break语句是中断当前循环,继续执行循环后面的语句
D. continue语句是使当前循环继续执行,相当于没有使用
A. break语句只能应用在循环体中
B. break是无条件跳转语句,continue跳转需要条件
C. continue语句只能应用在循环体中
D. break和continue的跳转不够明确,容易产生问题
(100.0分)以下属于记叙文的表达方式的是?( )
A. 叙述
B. 描写
C. 抒情
D. 议论
E. 说明
Themes of Vanity Fair are________________________.(见课本214页)
A. Social criticism--In a broader sense, Thackeray criticizes the whole English society of the early 19th century, especially the hypocrisy, corruption and greed of the upper society, where money weighs most .
B. Struggle of a woman-In a personal sense, it is about the hard struggle of a woman from low class in 19thcentury for high status by hook or crook.
C. All is vanity and all are vain--As for the roles in Vanity Fair, some are more vain—more obsessed with self and with the ephemeral treasures of social position and money—than others, but none, in the author's estimation, can be called heroic.
D. Criticise the corrupt society because its moral was diseased and alomost all people were money-minded.