Perhaps the greatest change the world has seen in modern times has been the rise of the Internet.Is this sentence a fact(F) or an opinion(O)? 只需填写F或者O.
It’s a great way to keep up with friends.Is this sentence a fact(F) or an opinion(O)? 只需填写F或者O.
Internet access and the ability to make good use of it is practically a must for success in the modern world.Is this sentence a fact(F) or an opinion(O)? 只需填写F或者O.
A few years ago, a couple in the United States was charged with child neglect. It was their addiction to playing games online that kept them from caring for their two infant children.Is this sentence a fact(F) or an opinion(O)? 只需填写F或者O.
Another recent news story told of a man who spent so much time online that he didn’t sleep enough to keep his job. Is this sentence a fact(F) or an opinion(O)? 只需填写F或者O.