Kale has more nutritional value than spinach. But since collard greens have more nutritional value than lettuce, it follows that kale has more nutritional value than lettuce. Any of the following, if introduced into the argument as an additional premise, makes the argument above logically correct EXCEPT:
A. Collard greens have more nutritional value than kale.
B. Spinach has more nutritional value than lettuce.
C. Spinach has more nutritional value than collard greens.
D. Spinach and collard greens have the same nutritional value.
E. Kale and collard greens have the same nutritional value.
The human craving for sweets was once beneficial: it attracted people to foods that were healthful(ripe fruit, for example)in preference to foods that were not healthful(unripe fruit, for example). However, now that sugar has been refined, it follows that a craving for sweets is no longer beneficial, because refined sugar is not healthful. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?
A. Some foods can be healthful when cooked even if they are not healthful when eaten raw.
B. Some people who crave sweets are more likely to eat a piece of ripened fruit than they are to eat a piece of candy.
C. People who crave sweets are more likely to eat a food that contains refined sugar than a naturally sweet food like ripe fruit.
D. Prehistoric humans probably were not able to distinguish between healthful foods and unhealthful foods without relying on their sense of taste.
E. Some unrefined foodstuffs are no more nutritious than their refined counterparts.
The attitude that it is all right to do what harms no one but oneself is usually accompanied by a disregard for the actual interdependence of people. Destroying ones own life or health means not being available to help family members or the community, it means, instead, absorbing the limited resources of the community for food, health services, and education without contributing fully to the community. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the view expressed above?
A. The cost of avoidable accidents and illnesses raises health insurance rates for everyone.
B. Harm to one person can result in an indirect benefit, such as the availability of work in health-related fields, to others.
C. Life would be dull if it were necessary to abstain from all of the minor pleasures that entail some risk of harm to a person who indulges in them.
D. The contribution a person makes to the community cannot be measured by that person"s degree of health.
E. The primary damage caused by the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and unauthorized drugs is done to the person who uses those substances.
Some soil scientists have asserted that decaying matter on the forest floor is a far greater source of the acidity in mountain lakes than is the acid rain that falls on these lakes. Therefore, they contend, reducing acid rain will not significantly reduce the acidity levels of mountain lakes. Which of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
A. It is natural for mountain lakes to have acidity levels higher than those of other lakes.
B. The harmful effects of increased acidity levels in lakes have been greatly underestimated.
C. Acid rain is found in urban and heavily industrialized regions of the country.
D. There is much disagreement among soil scientists about the causes of acid rain.
E. While plant life remains, acid rain significantly increases the amount of decaying organic matter in natural environments.
Defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who rely on court-appointed public defenders. This explains why criminals who commit lucrative crimes like embezzlement or insider trading are more successful at avoiding conviction than are street criminals. The explanation offered above would be more persuasive if which one of the following were true?
A. Many street crimes, such as drug dealing, are extremely lucrative and those committing them can afford expensive private lawyers.
B. Most prosecutors are not competent to handle cases involving highly technical financial evidence and have more success in prosecuting cases of robbery or simple assault.
C. The number of criminals convicted of street crimes is far greater than the number of criminals convicted of embezzlement or insider trading.
D. The percentage of defendants who actually committed the crimes of which they are accused is no greater for publicly defended than for privately defended defendants.
E. Juries, out of sympathy for the victims of crimes, are much more likely to convict defendants accused of violent crimes than they are to convict defendants accused of "victimless" crimes or crimes against property.