Which three tasks can be performed using a duplicate database? ()(Choose three.)
A. Testing the backup and recovery procedures
B. Testing the upgrade of an Oracle database to a new release
C. Testing the effect of an application changes on database performance
D. Continuously updating archive log files from the target database to support failover
A. 30天
B. 18天
C. 28天
D. 56天
To prevent the spread of fire by conduction, you should ().
A. cool the bulkheads around the fire
B. remove combustibles from direct exposure
C. close all openings to the area
D. shut off all electric power
A. 要防止误踩深沟、陷阱
B. 要穿软胶底鞋
C. 不要穿越不明地域、水域
D. 不要单独远离作业场所
E. 作业完毕后作业负责人要清点人数