

A. 先下
B. 后下


【例题 1·单选题】期初材料计划成本 500 万元,超支差异为 90 万元。本月入库材料计划成本 1100 万元,节约差为 170 万元。本月领用材料计划成本 1200 万元,领用材料实际成本( )万元。

A. 1395
B. 1140
C. 1005
D. 1260

Task 1Working to a clear plan during an emergency will help to ensure that you are effectively prioritizing(优先选择) many demands upon your attention.Do not allow yourself to become distracted by non-vital activities. Always bear in mind the main steps ofemergency action-Assess,Make Safe,Give Emergency Aid,and Get Help.Your approach should be brisk (轻快的),but calm and controlled, so that you can quickly take in asmuch information as possible. Your priorities are to identify any risks to yourself,to the casualty(伤亡人员),and to any other people around, then to access the resources available to you and the kind of help youmay need.State that you have first-aid skills when offering your help. If there are no doctors, nurses, ormore experienced people present, calmly take charge. First ask yourself these questions: Is there anycontinuing danger? Is anyone's life in immediate danger? Are there any other people who can help? Do Ineed specialist help?The conditions that caused the accident may still present further danger. Remember that you must putyour own safety first. You can't help others if you become a casualty yourself.Often,very simple measures,such as turning off an electric switch,are enough to make the area safe.Sometimes more complicated procedures are required.Never put yourself and the casualty at further risk byattempting to do too much; be aware of your limitations.36. In order to act effectively during an emergency,you are advised to_______.

A) ask for help from a hospital
B) seek an expert's advice
C) turn to police for help
D) follow a clear plan

37. To obtain the greatest amount of information in an emergency,you should__________.

A) identify whether you yourself are safe or not
B) take a quick, calm and controlled approach
C) get to the emergency spot immediately
D) possess some first-aid skills

38. When offering your help in an emergency,you should tell others that you______.

A) teach in a medical school
B) are a medical student
C) have first-aid skills
D) work in a hospital
